English homework help

English homework help. Essay should be around 5-8 paragraphs
In your writing you should
– Establish your thesis clearly
– Develop your main idea with adequate and relevant supporting paragraphs
– Organize your ideas logically and coherently
– Make effective choices in vocabulary and sentence structure
– Observe the conventions of standard English grammar, spelling, capitalization, and punctuation
Take a few minutes to think about what you want to say before you start writing. Leave yourself a few minutes at the end to proofread and to make corrections.
You may cross out or add information as necessary. If you are handwriting your paper, be sure to write as legibly as possible so that evaluators can easily read your essay. If you are typing, make sure that you use the standard 12-point font in either Times New Roman or Calibri.
Topic 1: A character in a movie, television show, novel, or play who is or is not a good role model
Topic 2: An activity that everyone should find the time to do

English homework help