Computer Science homework help

You may have to use the work from last week as notes
Assignment Instructions
Our previous assignments relied on a single view controller. This week you will create a project with multiple views that utilize the a class called UIView. In this assignment you will create a new project called View Switcher LastName following the instructions in Chapter 6.
Compile and run your project. The screen output including animation should resemble figure 6-19 in your text.
Your project must compile and run for a grade.
Zip your complete project and submit the zip file.
You should also attach a screenshot or multiple screenshots to demonstrate it working.
Do not copy code from the books source code library. You must create your own project for a grade.
Points Available
Our previous assignments relied on a single view controller. This week you will create a project with multiple views that utilize the a class called UIView. In this assignment you will create a new project called View Switcher LastName following the instructions in Chapter 6.
Compile and run your project. The screen output including animation should resemble figure 6-19 in your text.
Do not copy source code from the books source library. You must create your own new project.
Your project must compile and run to receive a grade. Zip your complete project and submit the zip file. You should also attach a screenshot or multiple screenshots to demonstrate it working.