Explain what a Human Resource Information System is and explain how it can be used for succession planning and what benefit it might have in a challenging time like this (Corona Virus). Post a reply to one other student either adding to his/her thoughts or politely challenging his/her thoughts. Please use academic references and APA Format. Post one reply to one other student either adding to his/her thoughts or politely challenging his/her thoughts. There should be 2 Post on this topic 200-300 words each.

 Explain what a Human Resource Information System is and explain how it can be used for succession planning and what benefit it might have in a challenging time like this (Corona Virus).  Post a reply to one other student either adding to his/her thoughts or politely challenging his/her thoughts. Please use academic references and APA Format.   Post one reply to one other student either adding to his/her thoughts or politely challenging his/her thoughts. There should be 2 Post on this topic 200-300 words each.