You may choose ANY topic loosely related to human sexuality, sexual orientation, LGBTQ or women’s issues, human reproduction, sexual heath, contraception, labor and delivery, fertility/infertility issues, etc. You should make sure that you can find at least 3 good resources on your topic of choice. You may use 12-point font of New Times Roman or Calibri. Paragraphs should be double-spaced and free of spelling and grammatical errors. You should use 1-inch margins and the text should be no less than 3 full pages of text. Your essay should be double-spaced and should include a running header that includes the title of your paper along with your name, and page numbers.

  You may choose ANY topic loosely related to human sexuality, sexual orientation, LGBTQ or women’s issues, human reproduction, sexual heath, contraception, labor and delivery, fertility/infertility issues, etc. You should make sure that you can find at least 3 good resources on your topic of choice.  You may use 12-point font of New Times Roman or Calibri. Paragraphs should be double-spaced and free of spelling and grammatical errors. You should use 1-inch margins and the text should be no less than 3 full pages of text. Your essay should be double-spaced and should include a running header that includes the title of your paper along with your name, and page numbers.