>Marketing homework help

Hello everyone, I have an Assignment for you today. This assignment must be DONE by Tuesday, February 23, 2021, no later than 10 pm. By the way, I need this assignment to be PLAGIARISM FREE & a Spell Check when completed. Make sure you READ the instructions CAREFULLY. Now without further ado, the instructions to the assignments are below:


Article Review Using the CSU Online Library, locate an article that discusses an area of interest to you related to the concept of marketing research (CSU Articles will below). This article might include current trends in research methods, marketing research advancements, the role marketing research plays in organizational decision-making, or ethical implications of marketing research. Note that these are simply ideas; you may expand on these ideas while remaining within the parameters of marketing research contributing to effective marketing campaigns. In your review, be sure to include the following components:

  • a brief summary of the article to include the identification and analysis of the major points of the article,
  • an explanation of how marketing research enhances organizational decision-making,
  • a description of the differences between market research and marketing research, and
  • your personal opinion of the pros and cons of marketing research after reading the article.

Your article review must be at least two pages in length and formatted in accordance with APA guidelines. Any information from the article or any other source must be cited and referenced in APA format. Information about accessing the grading rubric for this assignment is provided below.

By the way, I have a attachment below which is a study guide. And lastly, below are several CSU articles for this assignment. In this assignment use the articles below to support your paper. Any additional information must be cited & referenced. Be sure to use the resources below & be sure utilize the “Required Unit Resources” from the study guide for further information on this assignment. Remember NO PLAGIARISM & I need will need a PLAGIARISM REPORT upon completion.

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