>Article writing homework help

Below is a link to a couple of videos which will make for one (1) Concert Attendance requirement. You can click on the link below or copy it and paste it in your browser.

https://www.dw.com/en/teodor-currentzis-the-classical-rebel/a-36248767 (Links to an external site.)

In these two videos, I want to present to you one of my most favorite and passionate conductors: Teodor Currentzis.

You will get an inside look into the mind of this conductor and how music within the orchestra is envisioned by him. Certainly, Teodor is a very eccentric and a truly unique individual, but I want you to understand how he is able to shape the artistic and architectural value of a piece by a having a precise vision on how to perform it. This is not a concert and indeed there is not much music in these two videos but you should see a great amount of preparation both musically and philosophically.

Your task is to comment on how your perception of music changed after you have watched both videos. The second video starts with a summary of the first one and on the 3:52 minute mark begins the second part.

Your report should include not less than 350-400 words and should reflect your new understanding of this vibrant and fresh interpretation of classical music. You are invited to view other videos in which Currentzis conducts full works of music to complement your report. This should be a discovery report and it would be lovely if you could reach a deeper meaning of music through the presentation of this video. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions about this project. Once you finish Concert Attendance 1, then proceed to the next video-project (Second Concert Attendance ) which I hope you will enjoy as much as this one. I would love for you to indulge in watching these videos.
