>Human Resource Management homework help

1.In the simplest sense, motivation involves three elements: (a) what’s important to a person, and (b) offering this in exchange for some  desired behavior. Chapter 9 discusses various theories that motivate employees. Select two of the theories discussed in the chapter that currently or previously related to your motivation at work. Explain these theories and how they impacted you at work and why?

2. In a theoretical case about incentives system at Atlanta Public Schools, the School which rewards teachers, principals and administrators for improved performance on tests. These rewards can be as high as $25,000 bonus for high performance teachers, and for administrators the rewards can be higher school budgets, or on the negative end lower budgets or school closings. The impact of this strong pay-performance linkage has been increased reports of widespread cheating. Other states too report examples of academic cheating by teachers.

Please address this question: How would you design a pay-performance system that uses powerful incentives to motivate behavior, yet keep the behavior from veering into unethical?

3. Identify one of the short or long term pay-for-performance approaches discussed in chapter 10. Present the advantages and disadvantages of this approach to the class.

Merit pay-