Human Resource Management homework help

Part 1

Calculating Risk Exposure

Use the Risk Exposure Calculator found in the Toolkit Exercise 10.5 of your Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit to assess the risk of a project with which you are familiar, and respond to the following:

  • Does the organization have an appropriate level of risk taking given the nature of its business? Does it play it too safe, act about right, or take excessive risks?
  • Which risk factors do you feel are contributing most to the overall risk levels?
  • How does the process of completing the risk calculator help you to think about what can be done to make the levels of risk more appropriate and manageable?

Part 2

Leading in a Challenging Situation

Using the case study, Diego Curtiz at Highland State University, from your Organizational Change: An Action-Oriented Toolkit text, imagine that Curtiz has called you to coach him regarding the situation described in the case. Based on what you have learned about leading change in this course, develop a plan for what Curtiz should do. Be specific with actionable steps for him to implement. Your recommendations should be based on theories and practices contained in your texts as well as from other sources in your coursework.