Outline your plans for participation in the professional nursing organization, and describe how this will help you to meet your professional goals. 

Reflect on the DNP projects Dr. Beechinor and Dr. Stefan discussed in this week’s media presentation, as well as the DNP Scholarly Project specifications outlined in the AACN Essentials.

Consider your professional experiences in light of new information you may have encountered in this course. With this in mind, identify a need or change related to a practice environment. Please note that the objective of this activity is to increase your awareness of potential DNP projects; you are not committing to a project idea at this time.

To complete: (Professional Organization I belong to is: AANP –American Association of Nurse Practitioners)

Write 2-pages paper describing a need or change related to a practice environment or a problem that is suitable for research.

Include your rationale for why this situation or topic warrants attention.

Outline your plans for participation in the professional nursing organization, and describe how this will help you to meet your professional goals.

Also, consider how the organization may correlate with or support the development of your DNP Scholarly Project  in the future.

Include documentation of your membership at the end of your Major Assessment as an Appendix. (You may copy and paste the e-mail verification of your membership, or copy your membership receipt and paste it into your Word doc.) Be sure to observe proper APA style for including appendices.


Zaccagnini, M. E., & White, K. W. (2014). The doctor of nursing practice essentials: A new model for advanced practice nursing (2nd ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett. [Vital Source e-reader]

Chapter 10, “A Template for the DNP Scholarly Project”

nine steps that should be incorporated into the structure of a DNP Scholarly Project.

American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN). (2006). The essentials of doctoral education for advanced nursing practice. Washington, DC: Author. Retrieved from https://www.aacn.nche.edu/publications/position/DNPEssentials.pdf

“Final DNP Project” (p. 20)

Forsyth, D. M., Wright, T. L., Scherb, C. A., & Gaspar, P. M. (2010). Disseminating evidence-based practice projects: Poster design and evaluation. Clinical Scholars Review, 3(1), 14–21.