Law homework help

Law homework help.

Please answer each of the 8 questions with a paragraph or more.
1. Several of the truisms we accept about negotiation don’t seem to apply to diplomacy, or apply differently: not being caught in obvious falsehoods and exaggeration, making sure we mean the same thing with our language, avoiding the appearance of posturing, etc. What other features do you feel define diplomacy?  Why do you think the “rules” seem to be different? [add any other thoughts that interest you]
2. Lawyers have constraints on truthfulness in their negotiations embodied in their ethical/disciplinary rules. Are you aware of other professions or organizations that specifically refer to negotiation or bargaining in their codes? (more than general references to honesty, fair dealing, etc.)
3. Emotions generally tend to be stronger the closer to home we are. Thus, we might expect to be more engaged in a family matter than with routine business dealing (particularly if we are acting in a representative capacity). How do you cope with things that seem to  “push your buttons”? Other than personal involvement and/or closeness to the issue, are there other factors that will affect your judgment? Note: if you think there are more important or relevant questions about this area, talk about those as well (or instead).
4. What impact do you feel gender has on negotiation, if any? How does this relate to, compare to, or interact with other influences – power, bias, culture, etc.? If you see misconceptions or barriers related to gender, what can you do about them?
5. What impact do you feel gender has on negotiation, if any? How does this relate to, compare to, or interact with other influences – power, bias, culture, etc.? If you see misconceptions or barriers related to gender, what can you do about them?
6. What are your thoughts, concerns, etc., about having third parties – including attorneys, advisors, or experts – attend a negotiation session? How could you handle your discomfort – or your counterpart’s – if this happens or is suggested?
7. (3.B) In any of your prior negotiations, have you used any devices, actions, etc., to protect yourself from dishonesty on the other side? If so, what did you do, and do you think it was effective? If not, was there an instance where you now feel it would have been beneficial to add a “trust substitute.”?
8. (1) Try one of the implicit association exercises that purport to measure your attitudes about various characteristics (Project Implicit) linked in the Lesson. You need not share the results online (and/or can add to journal), just your impressions about this type of instrument.  Also read FAQs. (2) Do you think it is possible to predict, detect and/or neutralize the biases of your counterpart in negotiation? If so, what would be effective in doing this?

Law homework help