Applied Sciences homework help

Applied Sciences homework help. Project 2
SCIH 012 057
Science of Nutrition
Part A
Your job is to create a menu for one day that includes three meals and one snack. Your menu should add up to 2,000 kcal/day. (Use Figure 1.11 on page 19 in your textbook as a guide.) Your menu should include recommended amounts of foods from each of the MyPlate food groups.
Part A is worth 50 points. The format you use is up to you, but your work should be free of errors in spelling and grammar. Part A will be graded with this rubric:

  • List of foods for breakfast, noting serving sizes and macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals contained in each food. (10 points possible)
  • List of foods for lunch, noting serving sizes and macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals contained in each food. (10 points possible)
  • List of foods for dinner/supper, noting serving sizes and macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals contained in each food. (10 points possible)
  • Food for snack, noting serving size and macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals contained in food. (5 points possible)
  • Servings should follow recommendations in Figure 1.11 in your textbook. (10 points possible)
  • Presentation is free of errors in spelling and grammar, and is easy to understand. (5 points possible)

Part B
Choose one meal from Part A. Explain the path of each food in the meal through your digestive system, specifying where the various components of food will be digested and the nutrients absorbed.
Part B is worth 50 points. This part of your project may be done as a drawing created with arrows and information boxes (like a detailed flow chart) or in essay format.
Structures, substances, and processes that you should discuss are:

            1.         Absorption             11.       Liver
            2.         Capillaries             12.       Mechanical digestion
            3.         Carbohydrate             13.       Mouth
            4.         Chemical digestion             14.       Pancreas
            5.         Esophagus             15.       Protein
            6.         Fat             16.       Pepsin
            7.         Fiber             17.       Salivary amylase
            8.         Gallbladder             18.       Small intestine
            9.         Glucose             19.       Stomach
            10.       Large intestine             20.       Villi

Part B will be graded with this rubric:

Objective Meets project expectations Approaches project expectations Does not meet project expectations
To demonstrate content knowledge Activity applies, identifies, and uses appropriate course-related concepts. Activity sometimes applies, identifies, or uses appropriate course related concepts. Activity does not apply, identify, or use appropriate course related concepts.
To integrate and organize content Student has incorporated the required elements as well as providing a clearly articulated description for someone who knows little or nothing about the topic. Student has incorporated most of the required elements in the activity. Student did not incorporate the required elements in the activity.

Project Submission
To submit Project 2, type your project in the space provided at the end of this document (scroll down). When you are finished, save the document with this name:
Go to your course management system to upload your project file.
[Begin Part A here.]
[Begin Part B here.]

Applied Sciences homework help