Learning Journal (Final Grade)


Learning Journals are designed to help students integrate concepts, ideas and theories that they experience inside or outside of class. At points through the semester, students will be asked to fill out a Learning Journal. It will be submitted on the class Moodle site. Journals should be at least 500 words.



Change Theory is generally understood at three levels; organization, team and individual. The coronavirus is one example of change that has required adaptations in the modality of teaching, with the majority of teaching taking place virtually. This has necessitated personal change with students having to adopt and adapt new methods of learning.


Apply a relevant theory/model from the core textbook to articulate:


Journal 1. TOPIC- Understanding Personal Change


  1. How would you characterize your world view in relation to change
  2. Are there models/theories which help you understand your reaction to change
  3. Which model of implementing change do you find appealing and why?










The questions below are meant to encourage you to reflect on change and resistance to change and how you PERSONALLY view and adapt to change.

  1. Our readings discuss the concept of images of change (Palmer)
  2. How would you characterize yours (image) in relation to change and change management?
  3. Does it help you understand your reaction to change (as you have experienced it so far in your personal or professional life)
  4. Chapter 9 and 10 in Palmer introduce numerous models for implementing change.
  5. Which model do your find more appealing? Why?
  6. What connection can you do with your preferred leadership style? (as leader and as follower)
  7. What have you learned so far in that course that have changed your view on change?
  8. It is often said that resistance to change is one of the main reason change initiatives fail.
  9. What is your understanding and experience of resistance?
  10. Do you think that “explaining” the change is enough for people to accept it and change their behaviors?
















  1. Grammar and Spelling (1 marks)
    • 3-5 grammar and spelling errors – 0 mark


  1. Adherence to APA style (2 marks)
  • In-text citations are used properly and a reference list provided. All obvious instances where information has been taken from a resource (text or article) have an in-text citation – 2 marks
  • Some in-text citations are provided (but not all), some errors in the formatting of the in-text citation exist, no reference list is provided (1 mark)
  • None to limited in-text citations are provided, no reference list, significant issues exist with the formatting of the in-text citations (0 marks)


  1. Clearly describe, identify and demonstrate understanding of the concept, idea or theory (3 marks)
  • The idea, concept or theory that is described in the learning journal is clear to the reader. The reader should have no difficulty understanding what you will be discussing in the learning journal (3 mark)
  • The idea, concept or theory is not clear for the reader (O marks)


  1. Explanation of the concept (in your own words) (2 marks)
  • The concept, idea or theory is fully explained using your own words. If appropriate, an in-text citation to support the explanation will also be included. Full marks will be given to explanations that go beyond repetition of the text definitions (2 marks)
  • The concept idea or theory is either partly explained, or explained fully, but with a text book definition only (1 mark)
  • There is no explanation of the concept idea or theory, or the explanation is incorrect (0 marks)
  1. Apply the concept, idea or theory to real life. (2 marks)
  • The concept, idea or theory is connected in the learning journal to ‘real life’ examples or information that have been referenced back to appropriate sources. The application clearly demonstrates how the theory, idea or concept is being used by an organization or individual (2 marks)
  • The concept, idea or theory is linked back to ‘real life’ examples, but these examples may not be fully applied or fully supported. The application of the concept may not be complete, or may only cover some aspects (1 marks)
  • No attempt to apply the concept, idea or theory has been made (0 marks)



Keys to getting full marks for each learning journal are making sure that you are fully explaining all requirements of the journal. These journals should be at least 500 words.