Government homework help

There is no “right or wrong” answer here; however, it is imperative that you substantiate your commentary. For this assignment you are to answer the two questions below. Each question should have a short answer of a minimum of 200 words.




Currently, Congress has an average job approval rating of 16 percent. Why is that? Is Congress not supposed to represent the will of the people?

There are many challenges that Congress faces in regards to passing legislation that would make all of our lives better. However, Congress tends to be deadlocked on many issues, which prevents legislation from passing and proceeding to the desk of the President for signature into law or veto.


The question for you to consider for this discussion board post for this module is as follows:


  1. If you could propose a law for consideration, what would It be? And, why do you consider such legislation important?






The question posed to you for this module’s discussion board is as follows:

  1. Was the President correct to militarily intervene in either (or both) of these situations? Did the President overstep his authority, or was what he did within the parameters of his role as commander-in-chief?