Criminal homework help

Written Assignments – Topic Papers

The students will be presented with scenarios that require a resolution by the student based on information in the textbook.  Grades for problems will be based on the student’s ability to recognize and discuss the issue.  Each assignment is worth 50 points. (50 points X 2 assignments = 100 total points). The ultimate answer is not as important as the student’s ability to recognize the issues and apply the law to the facts in the scenario.  The response should include a statement of the law relevant to the issue and application of that law to the facts. These answers should be at least 700 words, double-spaced 12 point font, one inch margins.   Students shall reference the text at least FOUR (4) times in each paper and include a word count and bibliography (i.e., formal citation of the textbook) at the end of the paper. Internet sources will not be allowed. References must ONLY come from the text. However, the references must be independent (no doubling up of references).

Written assignments are designed to aid you in critically thinking about a variety of criminal justice topics and to get you engaged in the problem solving process. They may be utilized in the discussion board to stimulate dialogue and to prompt any questions you may have about the criminal justice system. Your responses should be thorough and scholarly. Avoid jargon and street language as you are completing each of the responses to these questions. For instance, “cop” is generally unacceptable, “police officer” is preferred. A person may be “mentally ill” or “legally insane,” not “nuts”.

Complete responses must be submitted by 11:59 P.M. EST pm the date due by posting through Blackboard. It is YOUR responsibility to make sure you have correctly attached the file and submitted the work. You can do this by going into your grade book and clicking on the green asterisk (!) to see what files attached.

Scoring Rubric – 50 points total

· Length, grammar construction of paper – 10 points

Paper less than 700 words, poor grammatical usage, poor document construction – 0- 3 points.

Paper 700 + words, many grammatical problems, moderate document construction 4 – 6 points

Paper 700+ words, few grammatical problems, good paper construction 7 – 10 points

· Theoretical Source work – 10 points

No theoretical component, insufficient cites used, internet sources, no bibliography, theory cited not explained. Uses no references, the wrong references (internet, Wikipedia) or uses the same cite repeatedly. 0 – 3 points

Theoretical component lacking substance. Theory referenced but not explained mistakes with theory/citations. References not clearly marked. Some overlap on citations used. 4 – 6 points

Well cited, four references well marked in the text including page numbers, Citations/theory cited correctly. Bibliography well documented. 7-10 points

· Critical thought 10 points

No expansion of theory – no insight. Does not relate own experience/observations to paper. 0 – 3 points

Some expansion of theory – little to moderate insight. Relates experience somewhat accurately. 4-6 points

Expands theory to own experiences and observations. Questions/confirms text/citations with own insight. 7-10 points.

· Fits Assignment Parameters 20 points

Assignment not followed. Does not address topics as noted. 0 – 5 points

Follows some aspects of assignment, but does not address all topics sufficiently 5 – 15 points

Addresses all aspects of assignments and goes beyond parameters as spelled out in the assignment 15 – 20 points

· Referencing examples:

Direct – As stated by the Schmalleger, “At common law, all attempts were punishable as misdemeanors. (Schmalleger, pg. 117).

Indirect – Schmalleger (2006 pg. 117) notes that all attempts were punishable as misdemeanors at common law.

Bibliography page: Schmalleger, Frank (2006).  Criminal Law Today An Introduction with Capstone Cases, 3e. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson / Prentice Hall.

Internet sources and information will not be used.