Psychology homework help

  • IMPORTANT:  This final interview assignment differs from the previous interview assignments Note:  There’s two parts to this assignment: the written summary (worth 40 points) and the submission of the Skills Assessment Sheet (worth 10 points).  Both are to be submitted SEPARATELY.  1. Find a television program or an interview online in which a person is interviewing someone.  Examples could be The Late Show with David Letterman, The Oprah Winfrey Show, Dr. Phil, The Howard Stern Show, Charlie Rose, or another talk show.  Any other televised interview program is also acceptable.  However, be sure there is enough talking / interviewing time to get the information you need for this assignment.  45 minutes to an hour of actual content is ideal.  IMPORTANT:  The interview MUST be within the past two years.  Students MUST include the dates in their summaries at the beginning of the page, such as “The interview occurred in June of 2020.”  If an interview is older than two years, it cannot be accepted and no points will be given. IMPORTANT:  This is an ACTUAL INTERVIEW between two ACTUAL PEOPLEnot actors or cartoon characters; meaning, you cannot watch a scripted television show or a film that portrays two actors engaged in an interview.   If this is not a real, actual interview that occurred between two real humans (who are not actors acting in a television show or film), then you will receive zero points for this assignment.  2. Use the Skill Monitoring Sheet to keep track of the counseling skills you see the interviewer using.  Record both strengths and areas of weakness in your skills assessment sheet.  NOTE:  The Skill Monitoring Sheet must be completely filled out (meaning comments, not just check marks) for this final skills monitoring assignment.  3.  After you complete the skill monitoring sheet, you are to write a one-page (minimum) summary of the entire interview event. You are required to write a one FULL page (minimum) summary of the entire interview event that was viewed.  One COMPLETE and FULL page, no half pages, or 3/4ths of a page, with no large spaces (especially at the top, left, middle, right, and bottom of the page).  The paper must be properly formatted (see formatting requirements below) with one-inch margins on each side.  The margins will determine the length of the paper, so do not forget this.  It is recommended that students set the margins at one-inch on each side BEFORE THEY BEGIN TYPING. (This margin setting already may be a pre-set, but check anyway to make sure it is one-inch on each side.) Document the show you watched and the context and / or topic of the interview observed.  Be sure to provide enough detail to support your observations.  For example, if you find that the interviewer did not seem to be listening to the client, describe what specifically the interviewer was doing or not doing that led to this observation. Set up the summary EXACTLY in this format: Introduction, Summary, and Conclusion (see below)Introduction:  In the beginning of the summary, VERY BRIEFLY include the name of the interviewer, the name of the show, and the name of the person being interviewed.  Additionally, include the broad topic(s) that were discussed, the date (YEAR) the interview was conducted, along with how long (SPECIFICALLY) the interview lasted.  TWO SENTENCES ONLY.  THIS IS A SEPARATE PARAGRAPH FROM THE BODY (SUMMARY SECTION) OF THE PAPER.  Points will be taken off if there is not a proper two-sentence introduction, or if the introduction is more than two sentences.  The introduction MUST be ONLY two sentences.Summary:  Following these two introductory sentences, the remainder of the assignment (the body of the paper) needs to specifically focus ONLY on what occurred in the actual interview event, focusing on THE INTERVIEWER and THIER PERFORMANCE throughout the interview, NOTHING ELSE.  In your summary, you must include the following: 1.  How did they act emotionally throughout the interview?  FULLY DESCRIBE ALL EMOTIONS INVOLVED. 2.  How did they act physically throughout the interview?  FULLY DESCRIBE THESE PHYSICAL FEELINGS YOU WITNESSED. 3.  How did they specifically dictate and control the interview?  INCLUDE ALL SPECIFICS HERE. 4.  What was the overall tone of the interview? 6.  Anything else that may have occurred during the interview. Conclusion:  Finally, write a TWO SENTENCE conclusion that includes how you feel the interview went, problems that occurred, thoughts on the interviewer, etc. TWO SENTENCES ONLY.  THIS IS A SEPRATE PARAGRAPH FROM THE BODY (SUMMARY SECTION) OF THE PAPER.  Points will be taken off if there is not a proper two-sentence conclusion, or if the conclusion is more than two sentences.  The conclusion MUST be ONLY two sentences.  DO NOT FORGET THIS.4.  At the end of your written summary, if you viewed the interview on the internet, you must include a working link for the instructor to access the content.    5.  Submit the summary as an attachment; do NOT type the summary into the dialogue box. 6.   Complete the Skills Assessment Sheet as a separate assignment. NOTE:  The Skill Monitoring Sheet must be completely filled out (meaning comments, not just check marks) for this final skills monitoring assignment.  Skills sheets with only checkmarks will NOT receive any points.  Please do not forget this. IMPORTANT:  Students MUST include the dates in their summaries at the beginning of the page, such as “The interview occurred in June of 2020.”  If an interview is older than two years, it cannot be accepted and no points will be given.  If there is no date included, it cannot be accepted and no points will be given. Please do not forget this.IMPORTANT:  Do not include your name, my name, the name of the course, the name of the college, the name of the assignment, the date, wasted space or any other filler information on the summaries.  Rather, at the very top of the page, immediately begin with the very first word of the introduction.  If you include your name, my name, etc., this may affect the length of the paper by making it too short. FORMATTING REQUIREMENT:  All work is to be double spaced, using 12-point font size and Times New Roman type, with one-inch margins.  DO NOT INCREASE THE MARGIN SIZE IN ORDER TO MAKE YOUR PAPER APPEAR LONGER.  ONLY use one-inch margins. IMPORTANT NOTE:ALL summaries for this course must be thoroughly proofread before being submitted.  Significant points will be taken off for misspelled words, wrong words used, missing words, grammar mistakes, incomprehensible phrases/sentences, and punctuation errors.  Points WILL be taken off for these mistakes.  PLEASE DO NOT FORGET THIS, and DO NOT TRUST A COMPUTER TO FIND THESE MISTAKES FOR YOU; computers are not as smart as humans in that they cannot differentiate incorrect content from correct content. Point Losses Due to Proofreading Errors/Mistakes:One point will be deducted for each proofreading error/mistake.  If the student makes at least ten proofreading errors, the maximum amount of points one can earn on that assignment is only 10% of the overall score (see below).   Important:  Excessive Proofreading Issues/Low-Quality of Assignment PreventionIt is highly advised that students use the tutoring/writing/editing resources at their disposal before turning in any written assignments*. For assignments that are submitted with an excessive amount of proofreading errors, the maximum amount of points one can earn on that assignment is only 10% of the overall score.  For example, if an assignment is worth 100 points, only 10 points would be earned. Once an excessive amount of such errors is seen by the instructor, the score will occur automatically.  The student will then be advised (in the grading notes) to seek out and use the tutoring/writing/editing resources at their disposal so this does not occur again in future assignment submissions. If a student earns only 10% of the overall score due the excessive errors or low quality of work, they may request to re-submit the assignment.  However, they will only have one week to request this and then re-attempt the work.  Any re-attempt requests can occur through Weeks 1- 5 ONLY.  Once Week 6 begins, no re-attempt requests will be granted.*This does not apply to discussion board assignmentsIMPORTANT: Only ONE re-attempt is permitted per assignment.  Grading RubricRequirement  Point DeductionsOverall Assignment Requirements Not meeting the specific requirements overall of the assignment:                                                                  40 points lost for any of                                                                                                                                                                                these occurrences
  • Interview was not within the past two years
  • The interview was a scripted event from a film/television series (with actors)
  • Interview lasted less than the required 45 minutes
  • The summary was simply a transcript of what was said, with no descriptions
  • of how the persons reacted emotionally or how they physically actedthroughout the interview (meaning, both individuals)                       FormattingNot meeting the specific requirements of the formatting in some way:                                                          2-point loss for each error
  • The assignment was not double-spaced
  • (it was single spaced or triple-spaced or some variation not double-spaced)
  • Times New Roman Type was not used
  • One-inch margins were not used
  • A two-sentence-only introduction was not used
  • (Ex. The introduction was incorporated into the body of the paper)
  • A two-sentence-only conclusion was not used
  • (Ex. The conclusion was incorporated into the body of the paper)
  • If a title page was NOT used, you included your name, the name of the
  • course, the name of the college, the date, or other filler (such as blankspace) at the beginning of the summary Proofreading Errors/Mistakes
  • misspelled words, wrong words used, missing words, grammar mistakes,                                               1-point loss for each error
  • incomprehensible phrases/sentences, and punctuation errors                                                                (Up to 9; after, only 10% can                                                                                                                                                                       be earned on assignment)Length
  • Several sentences too short; assignment is less than a full-page, but more than                                       4.2 points deducted
  • 3/4ths of the required full and complete page
  • 3/4th of a page too short (only ¾ of the required full and complete page is completed)                           10 points deducted
  • ½ page too short (only ½ of the required full and complete page is completed)                                       16 points deducted
  • Off-Topic Content
  • Any type of background information unrelated to what took place in the actual
  • interview itself (such as background information, setting up the interview, personal                           2 points per sentence deductedopinions, off-topic content, or anything else that did NOT occur in the actual interview)
  • AssignmentSkills Sheet #5Attached Files:
    • File Updated (Dec. 2020) TELEVSION Skills Sheet Assignment.docxOpen this document with ReadSpeaker docReader Click for more options Updated (Dec. 2020) TELEVSION Skills Sheet Assignment.docx – Alternative Formats (15.092 KB)
    • Note:   There’s two parts to the weekly interview assignment: the written summary (worth 40 points) and the submission of the Skills Assessment Sheet (worth 10 points).  Both are to be submitted SEPARATELY.  Instructions for the Skills Monitoring Sheet portion of the Assignment:Print out and refer to the Skill Monitoring Sheet during the interview that you view. You will be completing this form after the interview is over (or while you are watching the interview as you progress).NOTE:   ONLY Written comments (Meaning FULL SENTENCES, not single words such as “Great!”) are REQUIRED!  Merely having checked responses will result in zero points. At least five written comments (meaning full sentences, not just one-word responses, such as “great”) are required for this assignment.  Skills sheets with less than 5 written comments (meaning full sentences, not just one-word responses) will receive 6 points for this assignment, which is a D. You will then be taking a picture of the skills sheet, saving it as a picture file, and then submitting it as an attachment.  Your smartphone is perfect for this; if not, a digital camera can be used.  If you do not have access to either, the skills sheet can be scanned and then saved as a pic.  Please be sure that the picture is clear and that it can be read. Grading RubricRequirement   Point DeductionsThere are ten “Skill Set” Sections on the skills sheet; student receives one-pointfor each section that is filled out with a full and complete sentence.
    • Checkmarks only receive zero points                                                                                                               One-point deduction
    • For each blank section, the student receives a one-point point deduction                                                       One-point deduction
    • If less than 5 written comments (full sentences), there is a four-point deduction                                            Four-point deduction


Updated (Dec. 2020) TELEVSION Skills Sheet Assignment

Note: There’s two parts to the weekly interview assignment: the written summary (worth 40 points) and the submission of the Skills Assessment Sheet (worth 10 points). Both are to be submitted SEPARATELY.

Instructions for the Skills Monitoring Sheet portion of the Assignment:

Print out and refer to the Skill Monitoring Sheet during the interview that you view. You will be completing this form after the interview is over (or while you are watching the interview as you progress).

NOTE:  ONLY Written comments (Meaning FULL SENTENCES, not single words such as “Great!”) are REQUIRED!  Merely having checked responses will result in zero points.

At least five written comments (meaning full sentences, not just one-word responses, such as “great”) are required for this assignment. Skills sheets with less than 5 written comments (meaning full sentences, not just one-word responses) will receive 6 points for this assignment, which is a D.

You will then be taking a picture of the skills sheet, saving it as a picture file, and then submitting it as an attachment. Your smartphone is perfect for this; if not, a digital camera can be used. If you do not have access to either, the skills sheet can be scanned and then saved as a pic. Please be sure that the picture is clear and that it can be read.

Grading Rubric

Requirement Point Deductions

There are ten “Skill Set” Sections on the skills sheet; student receives one-point

for each section that is filled out with a full and complete sentence.

– Checkmarks only receive zero points One-point deduction

– For each blank section, the student receives a one-point point deduction One-point deduction

– If less than 5 written comments (full sentences), there is a four-point deduction Four-point deduction