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For this assignment you will complete an Annotated Bibliography and an Outline.

An annotated bibliography is a list of sources and includes current APA-formatted references to the peer-reviewed articles (all which must have been found through the online Library – I will give you)  or (xxxx – I will give you ) that you have compiled for a research assignment. Following each reference is a brief description, summary, and evaluation of the source (see the requirements below in the instruction section). The purpose of an annotated bibliography is to benefit the researcher and provide the content, relevance, and quality of the sources.

An outline will be provided at the end of the Annotated bibliography section. It will provide the structure and citation sources for the literature review and will be written in full sentences with APA formatted headings.


You will provide an Annotated Bibliography of at least 10 peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles references that you plan to use for your Literature Review. This must be in current APA format with a cover page, abstract, and references. Each reference must include a summary, analysis, and reflection and must answer the questions listed below. Do not include books, book reviews, dissertations, websites, blogs, etc. All articles must be peer-reviewed and must have been published in the past 4 years.

You must follow current APA format for an annotated bibliography, including:

· A brief description and summary of the article;

· An evaluation of the source – is the information relevant to your research?

· A determination of how the article will be utilized in the literature review; and

· An assessment of the article according to the focus of the research and provide criticisms.

· Answers to the following questions:

o Who is the author and how are they qualified?

o How does the source fit in the topic chosen to research?

o Is the source helpful?

o Too broad or too narrow?

o How will this research fit into your research paper?



At the end of the Annotated Bibliography, beginning on a new page, you will provide a detailed Outline of your Literature Review. See the outline provided for details regarding preparing an outline for a paper.

You must use full sentences and incorporate all of the references that you have found for the Annotated Bibliography. The outline must be in current APA format and a minimum of 2 pages of narrative. As the outline will be a part of the annotated bibliography, a separate cover page, abstract and reference pages should not be included.