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Assignment 3: JGR Fantasy Team


Due Week 7 and worth 125 points.



Over the last few weeks, you’ve learned how to start identifying the roles and skills needed to build an effective team. You’ve also discovered methods for selecting and evaluating potential candidates. Now it’s time to put your team-building techniques into practice by participating in a case study with real employees from Joe Gibbs Racing!


Imagine that you work at JGR. The CEO has tasked you with being the Team Leader for a committee that will plan a one-day summer team-building retreat. All JGR employees will be attending the event.  The purpose of the retreat is to foster unity, trust and cohesion between the organization’s employees.


The event will start with a welcome/introduction, then everyone will break out into group team-building sessions. The whole team will reconvene for a company-wide lunch, followed by a keynote speech.


As the Team Leader for the event planning committee, your job is to choose 4 other JGR employees to be on your committee.  You may choose from 10 pre-selected candidates.  You can learn about your candidates by viewing this week’s Strayer Story and by reviewing their profiles below.


JGR’s Chief Operating Officer Coy Gibbs is taking the same challenge! Next week, once you’ve completed the assignment, we’ll feature a video of Coy revealing who he chose for his fantasy team and you can compare your results to his.


Step 1: Download the JGR Fantasy Team Worksheet and save it to your computer.


Step 2: Watch the Strayer Talk: Building Your Team: Finding the Right Balance.


Step 3: Follow the directions in Parts 1-2 of the worksheet to complete the assignment.


Step 4: Save your document as FirstInitial_LastName_JGR200_ A3.


Step 5: Submit your assignment using the Week 7 assignment link in Blackboard.


This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS).​ (Note: You’ll be prompted to enter your Blackboard login credentials to view these standards.)The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details. You can also find a link to the SWS in the Blackboard side menu or Assignment Areas.


Course Connections:

While completing this assignment, be sure to connect your responses to the course content you’ve learned so far.


Wait! Before you submit your assignment, did you…

  • Review the scoring guide? The scoring guide will give you a clear understanding of the assignment’s expectations. If you are unclear on what is expected of you, please reach out to your instructor for support.
  • Check your assignment for grammatical errors?
  • Review what you’ve written for clarity?
  • Reach out to your instructor if you have any questions?


Scoring Guide Assignment 3:  


 Criteria Exemplary

90-100% A


80-89% B


70-79% C

Meets Minimum Expectations

60-69% D


Below 60% F

1. Select a candidate for each of the four roles and justify your selection.


Weight: 30%

Selects a candidate for each role and justifies selection with clarity and excellence. Selects a candidate for each role and  justifies the selection proficiently. Selects a candidate for each role and justifies the selection satisfactorily OR selects less than all candidates for the roles and only justifies 2-3 selections. Selects a candidate for fewer than four roles and insufficiently justifies the selections OR only selects 1-2 candidates for the roles and/or  does not justify any selections. Insufficiently completed or did not submit.
2. Explain and justify your role as team leader.


Weight: 15%

Explains and justifies role as team leader with clarity and excellence. Explains and justifies role as team leader proficiently. Explains and justifies role as team leader satisfactorily. Insufficiently explains and justifies role as team leader. Insufficiently completed d or did not submit.
3. Outline your skills and personality traits needed to be an effective team leader.


Weight:  15%

Outlines skills and personality traits with clarity and excellence. Outlines skills and personality traits proficiently. Outlines skills and personality traits satisfactorily. Insufficiently outlines skills and personality traits. Insufficiently completed or did not submit.
4. Explain how each of the team members’ strengths you chose complements you.

Weight:  25%

Explains how each of the team members complements them with clarity and excellence. Explains how each of the team members complements them with proficiency. Explains how each of the team members complements them satisfactorily. Insufficiently explains how each of the team members complements them. Insufficiently completed or did not submit.
5. Write in a professional manner using proper grammar and spelling.


Weight: 10%

Writing is excellent.

Tone is professional and sophisticated. Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting.

Contains no spelling or grammar errors.

Writing is mostly good. Tone is professional.

Shows logic, clarity, and consistent formatting.

May contain few or no spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Writing is satisfactory.

Tone is somewhat professional.

Shows moderate logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting.

May contain 2-4 spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Writing meets minimal standards.

Tone is not professional.

Lacks one or more of logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting.

May contain more than 4 spelling and/or grammatical errors.

Writing does not meet minimal standards.

Tone is not professional.

Wholly lacking in logic, clarity, and/or consistent formatting. Contains many spelling and/or grammatical errors.