Mathematics homework help

Today’s Number Daily Math Routine

Todays Number is 12.5%

(This is sometimes called “N(umber of the Day”)


Daily Math Routines are a set of 5-7 minutes math routines that are done daily.   They are designed to develop number sense and other mathematical reasoning by connecting critical math concepts on a daily basis.

Next week you will be asked to share the Today’s Number Daily Math Routine with your small group. This assignment is designed to help you become an expert on the Daily Math Routine.


A. Learn about “Today’s Number”

  1. Read about “Today’s Number” (Today’s number is 12.%) 5 from this handout from NCCTM.   Respond to the questions below as you begin reading on page 5.
  2. Give a brief overview of the Today’s Number routine.
  3. How does this number routine support students in growing in their mathematical thinking?
  4. What are some ways the number of the day can be presented to students in each of these settings?
    1. Early Elementary
    2. Later Elementary
  5. How might teachers structure the Today’s Number routine for older students?
  6. What does the teacher do while older students are generating their representations?
  7. What are some ways in which teachers can keep an ongoing record of student responses to the Number Routine?  How might these records be used by students and teachers in the future?
  8. Though the number used in Today’s Number will change across grade levels, consistent use of the routine across grade levels will continue to enhance student’s number sense.  What is meant by number sense?  Why is number sense important?
  9. What are some common models that can be used across grade levels as students participate in Today’s Number?  Provide examples of each.
  10. Why is it important to allow students to share their representations with each other?
  11. One of the hardest parts of this number routine for teachers is knowing what to look for in student work and how to highlight important mathematical concepts.  What are some common big ideas to look for when examining student work?


B. Considering Grade Level Appropriateness

Go back to Page 3 from this handout from NCCTM.and spend some time thinking about the 3 examples given.

  1. 1st Grade-
    1. Share 3 others ways you might anticipate 1st graders would represent 15.
    2. Label each representation with the mathematical concept they represent.
  2. 5th Grade
    • . Share 3 other ways you might anticipate 5th graders would represent ¾?
  1. Label each representation with the mathematical concept they represent
  1. 7th Grade
    • . Share 3 other ways you might anticipate 5th graders would represent -8?
  1. Label each representation with the mathematical concept they represent


C. Watch a “Today’s Number” Daily Math Routine in an Intermediate classroom.

  1. Before you begin, take 1 minute to show 135 in as many ways as you can. Record you thinking below.
  2. Now watch this video and respond to the prompts below.
  3. What prompt did the student use for the “Today’s Number Routine”?
  4. Were students asked to share all their ways of making 135?  If not, what were they asked to share?
  5. When students shared their ways of making 135 the teacher did not comment on the correctness, what did she do instead?
  6. Record at least 5 ways the children found to make 135.   Which ways were most surprising to you?
  7. What mathematical concepts came out through this “Today’s Number” daily number routine?  (Think about the ways in which the students went about  find 135) List at least 3 different concepts and provide examples of student’s solutions that aligned with that content.
  8. Abbie had a difficult time articulating her idea so the teacher chose to look at Abbie’s paper in order to represent it correctly on the board for others.  Next Abbie shared her thinking but she had made an error.  Instead of telling Abbie her way was incorrect, how did the teacher go about supporting Abbie in correcting the error?


D. Watch a “Today’s Number” Daily Math Routine in a Middle School Classroom

  1. Before you begin, take 1 minute to show 5/8 in as many ways as you can. Record you thinking below.
  2. Now watch this video and respond to the prompts below.
  3. How long were students given to find ways to make ⅝?
  4. Record at least 5 ways in which the children were able to think about ⅝.  Which ways were most surprising to you?
  5. What mathematical concepts came out through this “Today’s Number” daily number routine?  (Think about the ways in which the students went about finding 3/8)    List at least 5 different concepts and provide examples of student’s solutions that aligned with that content.


E. Wrapping It Up:

How would you describe the Quick Images Number Routine to another pre-service teacher? Be sure to include how this Daily Math Routine benefits students.
























Create a Daily Math Routine Handout 


Create a printable handout to share with your peers as you teach them about your Daily Math Routine.  You might image this being the handout that you’d share with your participants if you were leading a workshop to teach others about this daily math routine.


You may choose to use any software you’d like to create the handout.  Just be sure it’s concise.


Your handout should include the following elements:


  • The title of your daily math routine
  • A clear description of your math routine.  Be sure to include what teacher and students are doing at all points during the routine.
  • Share 3 variations of the math routine you’ve been assigned. (For example: how might your routine be used in 3 different grade levels or to focus on 3 different content areas and/or mathematical concepts) You may get these examples from the web pages you visited as you became an expert.
    • Provide a visual for each variation
    • List and describe all the mathematical content that could be addressed through the routine.  (Use the box below for support)
    • List and describe all the mathematical practices that could be addressed through the routine.   (Use the box below for support)


Make sure your handout::

  • 1-2 pages in length
  • Well organized and easy to read
  • Each section clearly labeled
  • Mathematical Content and Practices within the routine are well described NOT just listed




 Mathematical Content:

·         Counting Concepts

·         Place Value

·         Addition and Subtraction Fact Fluency

·         Multidigit addition and subtraction

·         Measurement

·         Data Analysis

·         Spatial Visualization

·         Area, Perimeter, and Volume

·         Attribute of 2D and 3D shapes

·         Line and rotational symmetry

·         Lines, rays, and angles

·         Fractions (equivalent, unit fractions, comparing, adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, rate, ratio)

Mathematical Practices: (Habits of mind)

·         Make sense of problems

·         Persevere in Solving Problem

·         Construct mathematical arguments

·         Critique the reasoning of peers

·         Reason with shapes

·         Reason with numbers

·         Find patterns in Mathematics

·         Use appropriate mathematical vocabulary

·         Use mathematical tools


Make sure your handout:

  • 1-2 pages in length
  • Attractive
  • Well organized with sections clearly labeled


Scoring Rubric

3 points 2 points 1 point
Clear Description of the Math Routine The daily math routine is clearly described.  The role of the teacher and student throughout the routine are clearly described. The daily math routine is clearly described.  A brief overview of the role of the teacher and student throughout the routine is included. Multiple elements did not meet expectations.
Variation #1 Handout includes a visual and descriptions of the multiple mathematical content and practices addressed. Handout includes a visual and list of the multiple mathematical content and practices addressed. Multiple elements of this variation did not meet expectations.
Variation #2 Handout includes a visual and descriptions of the multiple mathematical content and practices addressed. Handout includes a visual and list of the multiple mathematical content and practices addressed. Multiple elements of this variation did not meet expectations.
Variation #3 Handout includes a visual and descriptions of the multiple mathematical content and practices addressed. Handout includes a visual and list of the multiple mathematical content and practices addressed. Multiple elements of this variation did not meet expectations.
Other Expectations The handout is 1-2 pages, attractive and sections are clearly labeled. Only 2 expectations were met Only 1 expectation was met.


















Planning to Model Your Daily Math Routine with your Small Group


During your small group meeting you will model the daily math routine you have been assigned with your small group using a tasks that has been designed to engage college students.


1- Examining your task

Examine the task you have been assigned by clicking on your math routine below.   I am giving you tasks that will be appropriate for using with your college student peers.   Use my examples below.



2- Anticipate- 1 point

  • Anticipate how your students will approach the task(s) you’ve been assigned. Share your ideas below.




3- Posing Questions to Elicit Student Thinking – 3 points

  • Now that you’ve anticipated the ways students might approach the task, spend time thinking of questions that you would pose to bring out their thinking as you facilitate the task.  Think carefully about how you will pose questions to bring out mathematical ideas within the task.   (I am looking for a list of at least 6 great questions!)



4- Introducing the Task- 2 points

Write a script that COULD be used to introduce this daily math routine to your small group.  During the enactment of the math routine you are expected to share the instructions in a natural way.  You are practicing by writing this down.




5- Describe your plan for virtual facilitation with high student engagement. – 7 points

Think carefully about how you can facilitate your daily math routine in a virtual setting.  


  • Teachers all over the world are now adapting lessons into a virtual environment.  Embrace the virtual format whether you prefer it or not.  
  • Please don’t say things like “If we were face to face I would have….”.  Instead, decide how you will make this number routine as awesome as possible in the virtual setting. 

1- Clearly describe your plan for facilitating the math routine virtually.  (2 points)

2- Describe how you will keep all of your learners engaged in the routine.  (1 point)

3- Attach links or paste the materials you will use as you facilitate the daily math routine.  (4 points)