Psychology homework help


Both Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s work have been hugely influential in the field of developmental psychology (and beyond). These 2 theorists were developing their ideas about children’s cognitive development around the same time. Vygotsky even read some of Piaget’s writings and presumably was influenced by them in some ways. So this week I want us to think a little more deeply about how both of these theories characterize what happens as children grow cognitively and how they compare to each other.


  • Initial post: Address the following 3 prompts:
    • Which of these two cognitive theories do you think is better or more accurate? Tell us why.
    • How is the theory you selected similar to or different from the other theory?
    • What is one “real world” implication you see for the theory with which you agree?
  • Reply posts: Find one person who agrees with your choice of theory and one person who disagrees (that is, chose the opposite theory from you). Respond in a way that furthers the conversation with each person. What new idea or thought or question or challenge can you add to deepen their thinking?