
  •  Explain realism and liberalism as theories in international relations. What are the key differences? Are there any similarities?
  •  Also, Explain how a liberal AND a realist would each analyze the following assertion: ”The existence of institutions like the UN is the reason why the world has enjoyed considerable level of peace in the post-World War II era”



  • Double-spaced
  • Font size: 12
  • Provide in-text citations (at least, three different sources…ideally, more)
  • Add an additional page of reference list (at least, three different sources…ideally, more)
  • Work together and read each other’s work.  Remember that you are all getting the same grade so make sure everyone else’s part is consistent with yours, including capitalizations, grammar, and organization.
  • You can make your own groups because it worked well last time.  If you need a group, no worries, I will provide you one on Friday.  But it is useless to you to email me a day before the due date asking for a group; it’s unfair to ask everyone in a group to add your name to their work for a few minutes of your attention.  No way.
  • Remember: Half the grade is from your participation with each other and the other half is for your written work.