Law homework help

Law homework help. Need an argumentative essay on Reading Response. Needs to be 3 pages. Please no plagiarism.Essentially, the book presents some of the values that Confucius esteemed, and therefore, the values that his followers hold supreme. One of the things that emerge from the source is that a commitment to life-long learning is a virtue among those who ascribe to Confucianism. In different words, the master insisted on the importance of learning, noting that people who wish to be noble should aspire to learn beginning at a tender age.Learning occurs when one interacts with people who are more learned (those who posses the way) according to Confucius. Another way through which people learn is by reading, more like Mao did to earn the master’s favour. The reason Confucius valued learning and encouraged his followers to do the same was that learning improves conduct and helps people avoid error (117). While this is the case, he also noted that the noble man does not only learn but abides by what he has learnt. He further noted that he evaluates a person based on what they say and do.Yet another thing that Confucius believed was noble was slowness in speech. In this respect, it is worth noting that a noble man gives thought to his words before uttering them. The master compared spoken word to a flaw in a white tablet. While a flaw can be cleaned or polished away, this is not the case with spoken word. Once spoken, there is no way of leaning it.In the capitalist society, the pursuit of wealth almost supersedes any other desire. Confucius thought otherwise of wealth (profit seeking). He noted that when an individual pursues wealth, they get distracted from pursuing what is more important – knowledge. Another characteristic of the noble person with respect to Confucianism is self discipline and respect. A noble should not be given to much eating and luxurious clothing but is focused on righteousness. Confucius felt that a person who is not mindful of other people

Law homework help