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Write 15 page essay on the topic WHITE PASS AND YUKON RAILWAY (CANADA/US).A viewpoint on building WP&YR in modern times follows the report on construction details.As the discovery of gold on 16 August 1896 triggered the rush of gold miner prospectors from Seattle and San Francisco to the Klondike region of Yukon, these hopeful contenders used the White Pass to explore the region in search of gold. Thomas White, the Canadian interior minister gave the name to this pass.The White Pass situated at a height of almost 3000 feet passes through the boundary ranges of coastal mountains of USA in the state of Alaska that borders British Columbia in Canada. The headwater of Yukon River has chain of lakes that include Bennett, Lindeman and Crater lakes The white Pass connects the Skagway borough in Alaska USA to these lakes.Few civil engineering marvels in the world include Panama Canal, Eiffel Tower and Statue of Liberty. WP&YR is an addition to this list as it was built at a height of around 3000 feet through the mountains on a narrow gauge railway track. The construction period for this project lasted around 27 months, as engineers faced the tough challenges of quarrying through the series of mountains. While Britain arranged the required finances, United States of America provided engineering expertise. Canadian contractors executed the job successfully.Also nicknamed as Golden railways, WP&YR presented tough challenges for engineers who charted the tough route for this marvel after using almost 450 tons of blast explosives. Several thousands of human workers were able to finish the challenging job that included working in harsh climate and rough geographical terrain. During the incline of 20 miles, WP&YR climbs around 3000 feet with many turns and steep grades. While these grades go up to 3.9 percent, the turns are vary narrow at an angle of almost 16 to 20 degrees. This railway route passed through two major tunnels and many small as well as big