Telecommunications Engineering homework help

Select a specific advertising campaign of a product or service to evaluate.

Research your selected advertising campaign using the Internet or other sources.

Write a 750- to 1,100-word paper that evaluates your selected advertising campaign using the TARES test of ethical advertising. Remember, the TARES test asks the following questions:

  • Are the ad’s claims truthful?
  • Is the claim an authentic one?
  • Does the ad treat the recipient with respect?
  • Is there equality of status or importance between the sender and the receiver?

Answer the following questions in your paper:

  • Who is the intended audience for this product?
  • What needs does the product or service propose to fulfill?
  • What are the positive aspects of the advertising campaign?
  • What are the negative aspects of the advertising campaign?
  • In what ways is the advertising ethical or unethical?
  • Does the campaign meet the TARES test?

Cite at least two references.

Format your paper according to appropriate course-level APA guidelines.