Political Science homework help

Write 10 pages with APA style on Benchmark Progress towards Sustainability. In 2008, Chevron was ranked top among companies in California for sustainability reporting after scoring an A+. This shows that the company has put more efforts in sustainability after a series of scandals and lawsuits. Some of the scandals included incidences of oil spills and explosions in the wells. The company product stewardship strategy of Hart in 1997 has put into place many policies (Stanley, 2013). For example, the company has set aside $2billion for research on renewable power sources and their acquisition. This will prevent the incidences of overutilization of resources in the sources of energy. The research will also ensure only safe methods are acquired (Chesser, 2010).The company also bought Unocal corporation for $18.4million.This was a worthwhile purchase as their natural gas and petroleum reserves were increased to fifteen percent. With this kind of investment, the company will not overuse natural resources. Chevron has also discovered a way of recovering hydrocarbons. They developed a shale oil extraction process that helped to recover hydrocarbons from oil shale (David, 2005).Chevron Corporation has alternative energy sources which include geothermal, wind solar, biofuel and hydrogen. These are very friendly to the environment because they do not cause any type of pollution. These alternative energy sources are put in place to reduce pollution. Wind cannot in any way harm the environment yet it produces a lot of energy. Solar energy is equally harmless to the environment. It has no effects on the ozone layer because the energy is tapped directly and is used for light and other energy-based activities. Chevron itself has plans underway on using solar power to power their facilities. This shows that the company has faith in its products and has good intentions and not a fraud. Geothermal energy is one of the safest forms of energy and environmental friendly (David, 2005).Product stewardship in terms of cradle to grave design suggests that ecosystems must be prevented from harm and enriched by industries. Chevron Corporation is implementing this with its strategies of renewing and recycling products. Production of 1,273 MW of geothermal energy in South East Asia as an alternative to fossil fuels and other energy sources (Hart, 1997).