Health Sciences homework help

I need help only on question 1: i am confused as to what formula to use either option 1 or option 2 Key: d: Demand usually units per year s: Ordering cost per order q:order quantity in unitsh: Annual carrying cost per unit per year option 1:  TC= Carrying cost+ ordering Cost                          (Q/2)h+ (d/Q)SOption 2: TC: Carrying cost +order cost+ purchase cost                  (Q/2)h+ (d/Q)S+ PDalso for the second company do we use option 2 and for thefirst company we use option 1?also on the third company how do i do it with the 200 safety stockif you can answer question 1 please because i did it i just wanted to see if it was done correctly, THANKS!!!! would help a lot!!!