Engineering homework help

Hi I just wanted to make sure I marked the figure correctly and maybe if you could check to see if that first answer is correct?E. Put a 1% around the main sequence on the CMD to the right (this is meant to be easy).Put a diamond around the group of stars that have left the main sequence and thus are no longer “on it.” The stars you put a diamond around have run out of hydrogen fuel in their cores. That is, theyhave spent their lifetime on the main sequence and, in astronomer speak, have “left it.” Thetransition region between stars on the main sequence and those that are already off the mainsequence is of importance to us. It is called the turn-off point or turn-off region. (The location of this point will vary from cluster to cluster, and will allow us to eventually determine the age of clusters.) F. Circle the small region on the CMD shown in F ig. 3 above where stars are just beginning to “peel away” from themain sequence. The B — V valuecorresponding to this turn-off pointis called the B — V turn-off point.What is the B — V tum-off point forthis cluster? Hou should come somewhere close to the arrow alongthe B — V axis.) The approximate tum-off E for adifferent cluster, NGC 6397 (Fig. 4,shown to the right) has been circledfor you. Draw a diagonal line thatrepresents the lower edge of the mainsequence stars. Estimate the B — Vvalue for the tum-off point for thiscluster: B — V = a. 0.5b. 1.0