Statistics homework help

Hi, need to submit a 750 words essay on the topic Style sheets for 4 different writers (Lynda Barry, Art Spiegelman, Pedro Pietri, Frank Chin).Despite of his hardships in his childhood days, Art Spiengelman demonstrates an admirable zest to make a good living. He is one writer who illustrates psych in everything he does hence achieving such high levels of success in his literary work. He was born 15th February, 1948, in Stockholm, Sweden. However in Poland, his mother Anja and father Vladek Spiegelman were incarcerated in the ghettos set aside for Jews. They were later moved to concentration camps. Though they survived, they sustained permanent emotional and mental damage. Anja, her mother, fought with devastating depression for the remaining time of her life, while his dad became penny-wise until he became difficult and problematic to deal with. In 1986 he admitted that not everybody who had parents woke up screaming in the night. He realized this only after leaving his home. Art dealt with the demise of his mother by throwing himself entirely into his work. He later moved to San Francisco where he established a name for himself among the dissident cartoonists owned San Francisco. So, yes this is a story of man who struggles to make his name out of pure hard work, motivation and dedication.