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Create a 2 pages page paper that discusses bias, fallacies, and specific rhetorical devices in the speech. Speech Response Bias, fallacy and specific rhetoric devices of speech are the speaking devices or techniques that are used mostly by the speakers andthe writers. To get into the essence of all these biasing is that in which the speaker places everyone and everything in a same and common condition or category. This is somewhat a statistical assumption. Fallacies are the false belief. The result of establishing a bias is fallacy. Through the wrong or false reasoning the speaker exploits the emotions of the audience because the most of the audience does not look deeper into the arguments that are made. They easily rely on what the speaker is saying. If the speaker knows the art of misleading, he can change the thoughts and emotions of the listener easily. Rhetoric device is a technique in which the speaker wants to make an impressive expression on the audience. The argumentations are done in such a way that the speaker can get the appropriate result from the audience by making reasoning that can either be real or are stated artificially. The result from rhetorical argumentation can also result in fallacy if the debate or conversation is done falsely. Kane’s speech has numerous examples of bias, fallacies, and rhetoric devices. The campaigner starts his part of speech with the words that “only one man can rid the politics of the State of the evil domination of Boss Jim Gettys”. This is a fallacy as the campaigner is pointing towards Kane. The campaigner has assumed that only Kane is eligible for demolishing the evil domination of Jim Gettys. They have labeled Jim Gettys rule as the evil domination, thus this has established a bias. As Kane starts his speech, he again creates a bias by calling Jim Gettys a villain and dishonest person. He has unfairly awarded him with these words without keeping in view what the audience thinks of him. And another fallacy is that Kane is sure that he will win the governor election since the voting has not even started. The rhetoric devices in this speech are the repetition of the words by breaking the momentum of normal speech and creating a dramatic effect.