Create an APA essay with 1200-1500 words, complete the following questions using 4 scholarly sources to support your perspective. Discuss the concept of learned optimism and how it relates to coping with stress by individuals. Describe how framing heuristics affect a manager's escalation of commitment. Describe the five conflict-handling modes. Explain the three conflict negotiation models and situations in which each would be appropriate.

Create an APA essay with 1200-1500 words, complete the following questions using 4 scholarly sources to support your perspective.

  1. Discuss the concept of learned optimism and how it relates to coping with stress by individuals.
  2. Describe how framing heuristics affect a manager’s escalation of commitment.
  3. Describe the five conflict-handling modes.
  4. Explain the three conflict negotiation models and situations in which each would be appropriate.