Home Psychology homework help

Home Psychology homework help. A minimum of 100 words each and References Response (#1 – 6) KEEP RESPONSE WITH ANSWER EACH ANSWER NEED TO HAVE A SCHOLARY SOURCE with a Hyperlink
Make sure the Responses includes the Following: (a) an understanding of the weekly content as supported by a scholarly resource, (b) the provision of a probing question. (c) stay on topic

  1. The relationship between a servant and leadership is paradoxical but achievable. According to Dierendonck & Patterson (2010), “the central meaning of it was that the great leader is first experienced as a servant to others”. This allows an individual to not only work their way from the bottom but learn humility on the way to the top. As they work their way through different stages or hierarchy of a job they learn the value and appreciate it. These individuals will make an impression on others because their driving force is to serve others and are focused on leadership, management service and personal growth (Dierendonck & Patterson, 2010).


  1. Servant leadership could be viewed as a paradox because the perception about the two words individually is that they would be opposites. A servant is someone that is at the bottom of the food chain, so to speak. Someone who does not make decisions, but is told what to do and has little to no say in the matter. A leader on the other hand is at the front of the organization. They are someone who makes the decisions and delegates work for others to do. Because individually these two roles are so different someone could find the phrase servant leadership ironic before really sitting down and thinking about what the phrase means as a whole.


  1. Servant Leadership on paper is a paradox, yes. While the dictionary definitions of each word of the phrase ‘Servant Leader’ may seem opposites, when combined into a phrase they are a proven type of leadership, which leads by serving rather than controlling. When acting as a servant leader, one focuses on the needs of others, putting them in a higher regard than your own needs. It is important for a servant leader to have empathy and listen to their team members. A servant leader supports their team, focusing on building and enriching a community rather than just focusing on deadlines and goals. A traditional leader who does not employ a servant leadership lifestyle is often seen as selfish. They view themselves as exclusively then one who’s in charge, and do not take advantage of the benefits of active listening to their team or hearing their input. Unfortuantely, often times in this leadership mentality, the credit for ideas that the group comes up with is awarded exclusively to the leader.
    In the long term, as servant leadership is highly effective. Servant leadership leads to trust, good relationships, and a good working environment. No one wants to work in an unhealthy work environment or under the leadership of a workplace ‘tyrant’, so servant leadership increases productivity as well. One example of the effectivness of servant leadership can be seen in the military. Sqaud leaders focus on bettering their battalion or group, enhancing their organization while promoting a happier, safer, and more tightnit family.


  1. Emotional Intelligence Quiz: High Emotional Intelligence I only learned this after going through counseling I would carry my emotional on my sleeves and could not control my emotional and it would get me in a lot of trouble and have caused me to lose a few good jobs. Thank GOD for couseling.

Mind Tools: How Good are Your Leadership Skills ? I scored a 70 , I feel I am a non nonsense leader I believe in hard work  and getting the job done and it done  right I hate having to do anything over , I feel everyone should work for their paycheck and pull their weight. I believe in consquences for your actions, I believe in giving KUDOs when due and I believe in corrective critisms you cant correct the problem if you dont know what it is.
Assertiveness Test: I scored 100 I have the ability to speak for myself , this is true I have been told communication is one thing but the tone you use while communicating is everything in other words it my delivery. I need to learn to be tactful . People will try and run over you so you must stand up for yourself they can only do what you allow them to do thats in your personal life and professional life so you have to learn to stand and advocate for you no one else will .If you dont stand for something you’ll fall for anything.( Alexander Hamilton, Peter Marshall ).

  1. The first leadership/personality assessment I completed is the Personality Test. The results explained that I like to live in the present and I am spontaneous, energetic, and take pleasure in the things around me. I focus on factual, practical things and I tend to put the needs of others above my own. I am loyal to my peers and I have a flexible personality that will go with the flow.

The second leadership/personality assessment I completed is the How Good Are Your Leadership Skills?. The results from this assessment showed that I have a tendency on becoming a good leader. I am perceived to have a positive attitude and outlook and I provide support and stimulation. As a leader and team member, I have a positive mindset and want my colleagues to thrive by helping them grow and develop.
The third leadership/personality assessment I completed is the Assertiveness Test. After taking this assessment, I found out that I sometimes hesitate to address the issues that concern me the most. I believe I am this way with people I do not know very well, and it might be hard for me to confront my peers if I do not agree with them. To work on this, I will have to have more confidence in myself to voice my opinions to others.

  1. Emotional Intelligence: I have a high emotional intelligence. It is said that I have a drive with high performance under pressure, but it can lead to not having a balance in my life. I can agree with that because at work or at school, I tend to focus on things that will cause me stress and in order for me to reduce the stress is to make sure I finish the work. It is important to sometimes take a step back and just relax and come back to it.

How good are my leadership skills? I have scored a 54 which means excellent, but a few minor things I need to work on is my self-confidence. I do have the habit sometimes second guessing myself and not being able to give a confident answer at times, but I think this helps me make a positive movement. This will help me make accurate or good decisions just having to think about them first to have a positive attitude and outlook which I scored higher in.
Assertiveness test: I scored a 72 which means I do seldom hesitate to address things. I guess you can say that sometimes I keep things to myself unless it needs to be addressed. I do have the habit of sometimes being a “push-over” and letting others take control, but in my field of study, that is something I should learn not to do.
After completing the three assessments required, I have learned about myself and who I am as a person. This is teaching me what voids to fill and how to correct them in the future if management is something I want to do. I also still want to stay humble as much as possible because being a servant leader, you must not use power to control people. It is best for employees to trust you and this is what I want to learn more about myself.

Home Psychology homework help