elp Marketing homework help

elp Marketing homework help. School of Computing and Information Systems
ISYS90050 – IT Project and Change Management
Semester 1, 2020
Assignment 2, ISYS90050 Semester 1, 2020 1 Dr. Antonette Mendoza
Assignment 2: Managing Ethical Challenges
This assignment is aimed at:
• gaining a practical understanding of the issues involved in project management, including the handling of conflict
situations and experiencing ethical dilemmas; and
• developing the ability to resolve project management issues under pressure and within a short time frame, as project
conditions change.
This assignment is worth 25% towards your final assessment for this subject. The assignment will be made available on the LMS
on Monday 18th May 2020 at 11am.
Due date for submission by: 10am on Monday 1
st June 2020 via Canvas LMS.
Late submissions: A 10% penalty will be applied for each ‘late’ day and no late submissions will be accepted after 5 days from
the deadline.
Requirement: You are required to address each question separately. Although there is no word limit, you may use at least 2000
words to address all questions.
Assessment (learning outcomes): Assessment is based on the quality of your:
• analysis of the information provided;
• depth of understanding of the scenarios involved;
• ability to assess a situation and suggest different strategies and;
• reasoning as to how and why you will use one or more strategies to resolve the situation / deal with the ethical dilemma.
This is an individual project. While you may discuss the problems with your classmates, you must not show written solutions to
another student or use written solutions from another student. Failure to reference sources or using the work of another student are
examples of plagiarism, and may result in zero marks for this assignment, and you will be reported to the Course Coordinator,
with possible further referral to the Discipline Committee. You are reminded that your submission for this project is to be your
own individual work (University of Melbourne library guide to referencing: http://library.unimelb.edu.au/recite). For most people,
collaboration will form a natural part of the undertaking of this project. However, it is still an individual task, and so re-use of
others’ information will be considered misconduct. We will check submissions for originality and will invoke the University’s
Academic Misconduct policy (http://academichonesty.unimelb.edu.au/policy.html) where inappropriate levels of collusion or
plagiarism appear to have taken place.
Make sure to have your Student ID and Name on each page of your submission. A cover sheet is provided. You are required to
sign and submit the cover sheet as part of the assignment.
School of Computing and Information Systems
ISYS90050 – IT Project and Change Management
Semester 1, 2020
Assignment 2, ISYS90050 Semester 1, 2020 2 Dr. Antonette Mendoza
Scenario – An Ethical Dilemma
Kate’s first job after graduation from the University of Timbuktwo is to begin work as a quality assurance (QA) engineer with a
highly respected technology company CarbTech, based out of Melbourne. The sole focus of CarbTech is the design and
development of integrated technology solutions (both hardware and software) that help towards reducing the pollution and carbon
footprint in Australia.
Kate’s role as a QA engineer is to test and ensure that integrated technology solutions developed by CarbTech meet the customer
specifications. Just three months into her position, the company has signed a very large deal with a strategic customer AusLab,
thereby helping CarbTech to consolidate its dominance in the industry. AusLab provides expert advice to the Australian
Government on carbon emissions. Specifically, Kate’s company CarbTech is contracted to design and develop an air pollution
monitoring application that would be integrated into AusLabs’ digital platform. AusLab has contracted out this work to CarbTech
because they are experiencing rapid growth and cannot meet the demand of developing this new solution themselves. They chose
Kate’s company because of its good reputation and fast turnaround time to deliver integrated technology solutions. Kate’s role was
to test the new air pollution monitoring application, and make sure it accurately measures the air pollution levels. These measures
have to be in alignment with prescribed technical and environmental specifications provided by the Australian government.
Accurate monitoring is all the more important in areas prone to extreme weather conditions, such as high humidity areas near the
Queensland coal mines.
Following the guidelines and quality measures provided, her test results showed that the air pollution monitoring application did
not meet the quality standards agreed upon, but only by a very small margin. This impacts the reliability of the application to make
accurate measurements of the air pollution during extreme weather conditions. She informed her immediate boss Ben Shaw and
he instructed her to push it through anyway, stating that the risk of failure was not great enough to delay production and the roll
out date. Moreover, the likelihood of the product ever being placed in such extreme situations was so small that the manager did
not feel jeopardizing the contract was worth it. She was faced with the choice of ignoring company protocols or going against
management. Sweeping the problem under the rug would require Kate to sign off on a report that she knew to be fraudulent. Not
to mention, the company would have to delay production and possibly lose the contract. Kate is in an ethical dilemma.
She talks to one of her team members Jack about her dilemma. Jack suggests two aspects: (1) to talk to Ben’s senior manager
about this dilemma; and (2) she find a way to convince her boss Ben that fixing the errors is a better approach to signing an
inaccurate report. What should Kate do?
Instructions: Before answering this question, students should seek to understand the case study and create a visualization of the
dilemma. Put yourself in this situation to answer the question.
1) (10 marks) As your first step, reflect on the approach mentioned in the lecture on how to go about making a sound ethical
decision and address each point listed below – use a couple of sentences to briefly explain each point below:
a. What facts will you use to make an ethical decision in this case?
b. Define the ethical issue in a few sentences
c. Identify the affected stakeholder in this scenario
d. Identify the consequences
e. Identify the obligations if any
2) (4 marks) Once you have assessed the situation, explain whether or not you will follow your immediate boss Ben’s
instruction? Justify your answer.
3) (4 marks) Should Kate go to the senior management although her immediate boss Ben has asked her to sweep the problem
under the rug? Why/Why not? Justify your answer.
4) (4 marks) If you were Kate, how would you go about convincing Ben that fixing the errors is a safer option?
Note: To get the full 25%, 3 marks are allocated to writing and presentation style.

elp Marketing homework help