Engineering homework help

Hi, need to submit a 250 words essay on the topic Issues with Chinese goods.Download file to see previous pages… If there is no regulation set in place by the Chinese regarding their exported goods, this will do nothing to solve the problem. It is evident that toxins found in Chinese goods are a problem. In a recent article it is found that in China 800,000 children are affected by lead each year. This number is alarming compared to the 1% that affects American children (PureLivingChina2011). When China is not doing their part to raise awareness levels in China, the goods brought into the United States will continue to be unsafe. Since the creator of the products is not willing to change the regulation on exported goods, the United States needs to change the regulation on imported goods. It is likely that when the Chinese sees a decrease in sales that this will force a new regulation. It really has to start with those in charge becoming concerned. It is not cost effective to run tests on all products coming in from China. China needs to be the one performing the tests and providing reports before a trade is initiated. Works Cited Check4Lead. “Effects Of Lead Poisoning |” Effects of Lead Poisoning. Check 4 Lead. Web. 28 Mar. 2011. PureLivingChina. “Lead Exposure | PureLiving China.” PureLiving China | Indoor Environmental Solutions. CNN.