Business Finance Homework Help

FIN 343 Central Texas College The Basics of Bonds Discussion Questions


below are two questions. apa format and cite the work. expected to be a minimum of 250 words and contain at least one reference


1.After reading the cited Article, “The Basics of Bonds”:

Parker, T. (2020, April 10). Bond Basics. Retrieved from

With no more than two paragraphs, summarize what you think are the highlights to the first “The Basics of Bonds” article. The thread will be in the main meeting.

2.Jark, D. (2016, February 25). 7 Questions to Consider Before Investing in Bonds. Retrieved September 11, 2017, from

Regarding the Investopedia article, which two frequently asked bond questions do you feel are the most important. Why?

Please follow my threading in our Discussion Board (Db). This approach, is simply a way of organizing our responses and keeping track on conversations in the course room.