Writing Homework Help

Arizona State University Interviews on Gender Identities & Adulthood Worksheets


For the first interview–gender identities. Please Identify 5 people of a variety of age categories from multiple genders who are willing to volunteer information about their lives. and then complete the reflection:

Summarize the identity statuses that you observed in this interview process (in other words, among the 5 interviews, how many were in each identity status category?).

Did you notice any differences in answers based on age or/and gender or/and type of career choice? What differences did you observe?

Among the 5 interviews, pick one that stood out to you and summarize their answer here (as well as the status you think this person is at).

Take a moment to look at the interview questions and answer them for yourself (you don’t have to share you answers if you choose not to). Did you notice any difference in your career ideas after doing these interviews?

For the second interview–adulthood: Please identify 5 people of a variety of age categories from multiple genders who are willing to volunteer information about their lives. and then complete the reflection:

Among the people you interviewed, which types of experiences were most common in helping them see themselves as adults? Were there any similarities or differences based on age, or gender?

Choose the top 3 reasons that people ranked (in their answers to question #6). What is your opinion–do those define an “adult” to you? Why or why not?

Do you think the things that define “adulthood” are different today than they were 30 years ago? Why or why not?

Finally, after you complete the interviews, how would you measure “adulthood”? What are two key questions you would ask, or two things you would look for to decide whether someone is an adult or not? Use responses you observed from the interviews to support your position.