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SSP 101 LaGuardia College Article 1 Section 8 of US Constitution Discussion


Follow these steps:

1. Find out and name your representative in the House (1) and in the Senate (2) of the USA, federal level (.50)

2. Read Article I (Section 8) of the Constitution and find in the news (over the last month, not older than that) one example each of three powers of Congress enumerated in Art. I (8) of the Constitution. This part should be one page minimum. You have to add the author, title, newspaper and date from where you got the information. (2.50/including .50 for the newspaper articles)

3. Based on what you have read and what you know, assess the work done by the members of the Congress: Do you think they are doing a good job, an O.K. job or a bad job? Basically, how would you grade them (A, B, C, D or F)? Why do you give them this grade? Minimum of half a page (double-spaced). (.50)

Total length of the posting: 1 and ½ double-spaced pages.

4. Read other students’ postings; and reply to at least one of their postings. (.50).