Writing Homework Help

UMGC Alignment and contrast discussion


WRTG 393 students,

Your second writing assignment will involve comparing and contrasting two websites for proximity, alignment, repetition, and contrast (PARC).

This discussion topic is designed to help us get started in thinking about the concepts of alignment and contrast.


Please make sure you have watched the video tutorials on alignment and contrast before attempting to respond to this discussion topic. The video tutorials are posted in week 2 of Content. In addition, the other resources in week 2 of Content will be very helpful to you.


To complete the discussion topic, please access the following two websites:

  1. Write a few sentences about how alignment is applied in these two websites. Point out how the two websites apply alignment differently. Which one is more effective in applying the concept of alignment?
  2. Write a few sentences about how contrast is applied in these two websites. Point out how the two websites apply contrast differently. Which one is more effective in applying the concept of contrast