Writing Homework Help

Poverty in Main Contributor to Disease and Death Discussion


Write an paper using the this information I’ll give to you…

Students will research and write a 5-6 paged argumentative paper Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced on one of the topics studied in class. This paper will include:

●An introduction that gives background information on the topic and has a thesis statement that takes a clear stance,

●arguments that are fully developed

●counterarguments and refutations that provide evidence to support the thesis

●the use of appropriate language to support the argumentative genre

●a conclusion that summarizes main points and reaffirms the strength of the argument.

thesis statement:

There are three aspects of poverty that most affect poor people around the world, and to end poverty, we should improve the poor’s life in these three aspects which is hunger, low quality of education and bad health care.

“*Make sure you have 3 sources here. Each source should have the citation with bibliographic information (author(s), title of source, title of publication, date, etc.) an a descriptive annotation that includes the a brief summary of the source, why/how its useful for your paper, and describes its distinctive features”

This is the three sources I have choose. You need to use this three sources and other sources of your choice to write the paper, but it should be reliable.

– Dhruv Khullar, Dave A Chokshi. Health, Income, & Poverty: Where We Are & What Could Help. Health affairs. https://www.healthaffairs.org/do/10.1377/hpb20180817.901935/full/

This resource shows how poverty affects people’s health and lives, on average.

– Leah, Rodriguez. Understanding How Poverty is the Main Barrier to Education. Global Citizen. Feb 7, 2020. https://www.globalcitizen.org/en/content/poverty-education-satistics-facts/

I will use this source to explain how does poverty affect education.

Zuza Epicente. The Hunger Project. Poverty. May22, 2021. https://thp.org/what-we-do/issues/poverty/#:%7E:text=Poverty%20causes%20hunger.&text=Millions%20live%20with%20hunger%20and,a%20dimension%20of%20extreme%20poverty.