Writing Homework Help

MKT 430 Cuyamaca College Spotify Expansion Market Plan Essay


Your Marketing plan may be in either the form of a paper or PowerPoint Presentation. whichever is easier for you to complete. incorporate cultural analysis and economic analysis in your final marketing plan.

You are to select a product/service and a market plan for a foreign market of a US company that is not doing business in that market.DEADLINE FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT IS SATURDAY, at 8 olcock

Final Project- The Marketing Plan

Develop a Marketing Plan for a Global Market expansion.

In this project, choose an existing company and an existing brand to be part of a global expansion marketing plan.

Develop the following elements of the Marketing planning process:

  • A company mission statement
  • A company SWOT analysis
  • Marketing Objectives for the company
  • Cultural Analysis of targeted expansion
  • Economic Analysis of targeted expansion area
  • A description of the target market
  • A positioning strategy
  • A brief outline of the Marketing mix strategies:
    • The product
    • Pricing
    • Distribution and
    • Promotion strategies that satisfy the objectives and address the target market.
    • Summary

Contents must include:

  • Title page
  • Executive Summary One page only
  • Introduction to project Literature review (citations included)
  • The complete Marketing Plan ( Mission Statement – Marketing Mix)
  • Summary: conclusions and recommendations
  • References (7-8) APA format Use of higher level reference materials is required, e.g. ProQuest (WSJ,Bloomberg) For one of the references use the book International Marketing, 18th Edition
    By: Cateora, Phillip R. / Graham, John / Gilly, Mary and please don’t forget to include the page number when citing the book.