Writing Homework Help

UC Berkeley Week 6 Implications of Online Dating Apps on Racial Bias Discussion


Can you help me understand this Writing question?

Instructions: After reading at least three of these four articles, answer at least two of the questions below. Your response should be at least 200 words, but does not need to be formal. Note: You are not required to formally quote the articles, but your response should make it clear that you’ve read and engaged with the articles. Most students do this by referencing and talking back to specific moments in the articles, but you may use direct quotes if you like.

The readings… #1 download, #2 download, #3 download, #4 download


– How do dating apps help perpetuate racist biases? How do they do this? Are you surprised by this? Why/why not?

– If you have participated in online dating, does this reflect your experience with the apps?

– What recommendations would you make to the creators of this app to avoid these problems?

– Do you think apps targeted towards members of the LGBTQ+ community are doing a better or worse job with these issues? Why?

– How do you think these same problems might show up in non-online dating? (As in: in relationships where the people dating did not meet each other through an app).