Humanities Homework Help

Cuyamaca College Physical fitness Workouts Survey Questions


For this assignment, I want you to reflect on this semester and the physical fitness workouts that we used. There are no “correct” answers. These are your opinions so please be honest. For each exercise/workout, I would like you to answer 3 questions.

These questions are:

For this exercise/workout

  1. Will you continue to do this exercise/workout at home and put it in your workout routine? Why or Why not?
  2. Did this exercise/workout produce physical fitness gains (improvements) for you? If so were they a lot of gains, somewhat of gains or not a lot of gains.
  3. By the end of the semester, when you were able to complete the entire exercise/workout, did you feel that it was too easy, moderate or still hard to complete.

Simply cut and paste these questions below and attach your answers.

Speed & Agility (level 1 & 2)

  1. Will you continue to do this exercise/workout at home and put it in your workout routine? Why or Why not?
  2. Did this exercise/workout produce physical fitness gains (improvements) for you? If so were they a lot of gains, somewhat of gains or not a lot of gains.
  3. By the end of the semester, when you were able to complete the entire exercise/workout, did you feel that it was too easy, moderate or still hard to complete.

Full Body (level 1 & 2)

  1. Will you continue to do this exercise/workout at home and put it in your workout routine? Why or Why not?
  2. Did this exercise/workout produce physical fitness gains (improvements) for you? If so were they a lot of gains, somewhat of gains or not a lot of gains.
  3. By the end of the semester, when you were able to complete the entire exercise/workout, did you feel that it was too easy, moderate or still hard to complete.

19 Minute HIIT

  1. Will you continue to do this exercise/workout at home and put it in your workout routine? Why or Why not?
  2. Did this exercise/workout produce physical fitness gains (improvements) for you? If so were they a lot of gains, somewhat of gains or not a lot of gains.
  3. By the end of the semester, when you were able to complete the entire exercise/workout, did you feel that it was too easy, moderate or still hard to complete.

21 Min Pure Cardio

  1. Will you continue to do this exercise/workout at home and put it in your workout routine? Why or Why not?
  2. Did this exercise/workout produce physical fitness gains (improvements) for you? If so were they a lot of gains, somewhat of gains or not a lot of gains.
  3. By the end of the semester, when you were able to complete the entire exercise/workout, did you feel that it was too easy, moderate or still hard to complete.


  1. Will you continue to do this exercise/workout at home and put it in your workout routine? Why or Why not?
  2. Did this exercise/workout produce physical fitness gains (improvements) for you? If so were they a lot of gains, somewhat of gains or not a lot of gains.
  3. By the end of the semester, when you were able to complete the entire exercise/workout, did you feel that it was too easy, moderate or still hard to complete.

Jump Rope 10’s

  1. Will you continue to do this exercise/workout at home and put it in your workout routine? Why or Why not?
  2. Did this exercise/workout produce physical fitness gains (improvements) for you? If so were they a lot of gains, somewhat of gains or not a lot of gains.
  3. By the end of the semester, when you were able to complete the entire exercise/workout, did you feel that it was too easy, moderate or still hard to complete.

100 crunches/100 planks (SOSOS)/7 Min Sitting Core/15 Second Core

  1. Will you continue to do this exercise/workout at home and put it in your workout routine? Why or Why not?
  2. Did this exercise/workout produce physical fitness gains (improvements) for you? If so were they a lot of gains, somewhat of gains or not a lot of gains.
  3. By the end of the semester, when you were able to complete the entire exercise/workout, did you feel that it was too easy, moderate or still hard to complete.

BST (biceps, shoulder, triceps)

  1. Will you continue to do this exercise/workout at home and put it in your workout routine? Why or Why not?
  2. Did this exercise/workout produce physical fitness gains (improvements) for you? If so were they a lot of gains, somewhat of gains or not a lot of gains.
  3. By the end of the semester, when you were able to complete the entire exercise/workout, did you feel that it was too easy, moderate or still hard to complete.

Burpie, Push-up, Jump (50 repetitions)

  1. Will you continue to do this exercise/workout at home and put it in your workout routine? Why or Why not?
  2. Did this exercise/workout produce physical fitness gains (improvements) for you? If so were they a lot of gains, somewhat of gains or not a lot of gains.
  3. By the end of the semester, when you were able to complete the entire exercise/workout, did you feel that it was too easy, moderate or still hard to complete.