Writing Homework Help

EWU Ready Player One by Ernest Cline Question


I’m working on a english multi-part question and need support to help me learn.


from ch 21 to 30

1.Are there similarities between Ready Player One and Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory? Explain.
2.What do you think of Max?
3.P.214 mentions Whedonverse. Did you get the reference? šŸ˜‰ If not, look up Whedon. Why would there be a Whedonverse in the OASIS?
4.Keeping track of Clineā€™s creativity: what do you think of the way he imagined Archaide?
5.In ch.22 Aech sent a hint to Parzival. What was the hint? Why did Aech do it? If you were Aech, would you do the same, or would you keep the secret? Why?
6.How does Wade feel in ch.24? Why? How does it influence his game?
7.What happened to Daito? How does it make you feel?
8.What does the Voight-Kampff Test test? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nItDJslm3lE
9.What is Supaidaman? How is it used in ch.26?
10.In the book how is the band Rush described and do you agree with the assessment? Explain your answer.
11.Explain the ā€œArthurian image of the guitar in the stoneā€. In your opinion, why did Halliday code that part of the game?
12.What is the trick to unlocking the Crystal Gate?
13.Sixers block the entrance to the Copper Key, and later to the Crystal Gate. Is it unfair and dishonorable, or just part of the game? Explain your answer.
14.Ch.28 ends on a suspense mentioning ā€œa bold, outrageous planā€. Then Wade gets arrested. Then we gradually find out parts of the plan through flashbacks. Do you think it is a successful literary device? In other words, did it intrigue you, make you want to discover what is going on and keep reading, or did it simply confuse you? Explain why.
15.Look up ā€œindentured servitudeā€. Did you know about it before?
16.In Clineā€™s imagined post-apocalyptic dystopian world, what is the penalty for missing three credit card payments? What kind of people miss the payments in the book?
17.Keeping track of Wadeā€™s personality: what do we learn about him through the way he interacts with customers and with other tech reps?
18. Everything inside IOI is automated. How does it help Wade with his plan? What does it tell us about automated procedures?
19.Why did Wade get himself arrested? What do you think of this?
20.What did you find interesting in this part of the book?