Writing Homework Help

Queens University Social Determinants of Covid 19 Essay


Write a 750-word essay on the social determinants of Covid-19. You should focus on one or more of the social determinants of health from class, and address one or more of the following questions:

1. In what ways have the social determinants of health resulted in population health disparities in COVID-19?

2. Why should we care about the population health disparities in COVID-19 that are caused by the social determinants of health?

3. What can policymakers do to lessen the population health disparities in COVID-19 that are caused by the social determinants of health?

You must use at least three of the sources given below as evidence to provide justification for your ideas. You are not required to do any outside research, but if you do, be sure to cite the sources correctly. You should include one brief direct quotation. Be sure that you include a clear thesis statement and properly paraphrase information from the articles. Underline your thesis statement.

Your short essay should be double spaced, in 12-point Times New Roman font, and have 1-inch (2.54 cm) margins. Use APA 7 citation style for in-text citations and your reference list.

I attached the articles you need as evidence, choose at least three of them.