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Purdue Global University Pediatric Growth Monitoring Discussion Paper


Today, you see Jessica for her 7-year well-child visit (Links to an external site.).

After her visit, use your summary and the Obesity Health Promotion Plan template (Word) (Links to an external site.) to answer the following questions. Go to various sites, such as, American Academy of Pediatrics, or Bright Futures, for educational material and search for apps that you feel would be helpful to give this family to measure progress.

  1. Analyze Jessica’s nutritional status.
    • Calculate Jessica’s BMI and growth percentiles.
    • Determine her recommended daily guidelines.
    • Determine her recommended daily intake.
    • Compare what is happening with what is recommended.
  2. Analyze exercise status.
    • Calculate Jessica’s current activity status.
    • Determine the daily recommended TV/screen time for a child this age.
    • Determine the daily recommended activity level for a child this age.
  3. Develop a healthcare promotion plan that includes a sample menu for one day.
    • Explain how you would engage the family.
    • How would you recommend increasing Jessica’s daily activity requirements?
  4. Recommendations
    • What exercise or nutritional apps do you feel would be the most helpful for this family? Why?
  5. Follow-up: When would you like to see them back in your office?
    • What would define as success or that Jessica is on the right track? If she is not, what are the next steps?

Use APA (7th ed.) formatting for in-text citations. Use at least three scholarly references, preferably from in provider-based or NP-based journals.


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Health Promotion Obesity

Health Promotion Obesity


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSurvey included:

5 pts

Survey included

0 pts

Survey not included

5 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of Nutritional status:• Calculate BMI/percentile.
• Determine recommended nutritional guidelines.  
• Determine daily caloric recommendations.
Compare what is currently happening to these guidelines.

14 pts

All information is accurate and shows an excellent understanding of the current nutritional guidelines, with an excellent comparison between what is ideal and what is occurring.

12 pts

Most information is accurate and shows a satisfactory understanding of current nutritional guidelines, with a good comparison between what is ideal and what is occurring.

8 pts

The analysis of nutritional status needs improvement, as it indicates a minimal understanding of the current nutritional guidelines, with a basic comparison between what is ideal and what is occurring.

4 pts

The analysis of nutritional status is unacceptable, indicating no analysis of current nutritional guidelines, with a poor comparison between what is ideal and what is occurring.

14 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of exercise status:• Calculate current activity status.  
• Calculate recommended screen time.  
• Calculate daily recommended activity levels.  
Compare what is currently happening to these guidelines.

14 pts

All information is accurate and shows and excellent understanding of the current exercise guidelines, with and excellent comparison between what is ideal and what is occurring.

12 pts

Most information is accurate and shows a satisfactory understanding of the current exercise guidelines, with a good comparison between what is ideal and what is occurring.

8 pts

The analysis of exercises status needs improvement, as it indicates a minimal understanding of the current exercise guidelines, with a basic comparison between what is ideal and what is occurring.

4 pts

The analysis of exercise status is unacceptable, as it indicates no analysis of current exercise guidelines, with a poor comparison between what is ideal and what is occurring.

14 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHealth promotion recommendations:• Develop a sample one-day menu.  
• Make suggestions for increased activity.  
• Find an exercise or nutritional app that a family could use to keep track of goals and state why you recommend it.

12 pts

All information is accurate and shows an excellent understanding of the health promotion recommendations reasonable for this situation.

10 pts

Most information is accurate and shows a satisfactory understanding of the health promotion recommendations reasonable for this situation.

8 pts

The health promotion recommendations need improvement and indicate a student’s minimal understanding of what health promotion recommendations to make, or the recommendations made are not feasible for this situation.

4 pts

The health promotion recommendations are unacceptable and indicate no understanding of what health promotion recommendations to make, or those made are not feasible for this situation.

12 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFollow-up plan• When would you like to see this person again?
• What would tell you they’re on track? What would be next steps if you are not?

10 pts

All information is accurate and shows an excellent understanding of what needs to be done in follow-up.

8 pts

Most information is accurate and shows a satisfactory understanding of what needs to be done in follow-up.

6 pts

The follow-up plan needs improvement and indicates a student’s minimal understanding of what needs to be done in follow-up.

4 pts

The follow-up plan is unacceptable and indicates no understanding of what needs to be done in follow-up.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences and evidence

2 pts

The student provides three or more references with in-text citations to current literature and assigned readings that support the assertions made and follows current APA guidelines.

1 pts

The student provides at least two references with in-text citations to current literature and assigned readings that supports the assertions made and follows current APA guidelines.

0 pts

The student provides no references with in-text citations to current literature and assigned reading to support their assertions made.

2 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClarity and writing mechanics

3 pts

The writing is excellent, concise, easy to follow, and demonstrates your ability to analyze and synthesize assessment findings with literature and reading. Makes in own words in a logical order, with minimal grammatical, spelling, and structural errors (1 to 2 errors).

2 pts

The writing is clear, concise, somewhat easy to follow, and demonstrates your ability to analyze and synthesize assessment findings with literature and reading. Makes comments in own words in a logical order, with some grammatical, spelling, and structural errors (less than 5 errors).

0 pts

The writing is not clear nor easy to follow, and demonstrates your minimal ability to analyze and synthesize assessment findings with literature and reading. Has excessive quoting, and the material contains grammatical, spelling, and structural errors (more than 5 errors).

3 pts

Jessica’s Visit Transcript

Nurse Practitioner (NP): Hello Sarah. It’s nice to see you and Jessica! How are you guys doing?

Sarah: We are doing good. It’s been a hard year with COVID and all, but Jessica has been keeping up with her schoolwork on Zoom. She just really misses her friends.

NP: So, you are here for her 7-year well child visit, right?

Sarah: Yes, we are. She’s all caught up on her shots, so she was looking forward to this visit.

NP: Any problems or issues you are worried about?

Sarah: Not really… I mean, I guess the only thing is, I’m working now at night, and Jared works in the daytime, so we can have someone home for all the Zoom meetings. Dinners and eating is not as regular as I would like, more picking up fast food and all… 

NP: Well, let’s see how Jessica is doing. I can see Jessica has been growing. Look at how tall you are! Jessica, how do you like being home so much?

Jessica: It’s fun, but I miss my friends.

NP: Looking at your growth chart, you have been right on track up until this year, so that is good.

Sarah: I know, that’s what I was afraid of. I think that applies to all of us. I have grown a couple of pant sizes too. I can’t wait until life goes back to normal.

NP: I know. Well, let me ask you some specific questions about your eating habits and exercise. How many times do you think you get fast food each week?

Sarah: I would say, right now, at least 4 out of 7 nights.

NP: How about soda, juice – you know, sweet drinks?

Sarah: I would say at least 5 times, but it’s mostly juice; I don’t let them drink much soda.

NP: How about portion sizes? Would you say they are around average?

Sarah: Well, we eat the portions that we get with fast food, but I would say she can eat a 10-piece chicken nugget meal and large fries, and almost half of a pizza by herself.

NP: How about vegetables?

Sarah: Maybe carrot sticks, that’s about all.

NP: And how many fruits?

Jessica: I like bananas and apples!

Sarah: She eats a banana or apple with breakfast, or snacks when I have them, but like I said, we aren’t getting to do grocery shopping much. It’s sort of grab and go.

NP: What about breakfast?

Jessica: I like pop tarts!

NP: Okay. So, how much outside time is she getting?

Sarah: Well, it’s been cold outside so mainly we’re just on Zoom or watching TV.

NP: How many hours of TV or electronic time do you think she is spending a day?

Sarah: I have to admit, with us both working so much, she has more TV time and technology than I would like to admit. Between school, TV, and games, probably 8-10 hours a day, but I’m not sure what else they have to do? I mean, I guess they could read, but that is sitting too. I was thinking of doing something with the basement – it’s not finished and it’s open… we could make a play area down there just for some exercise. Maybe they could ride their bikes downstairs, or we could go skating.

Jessica: That sounds like fun, mom!Birth to 36 months: Girls NAME Length-for-age and Weight-for-age percentiles