Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on System Requirements Specification. It needs to be at least 1750 words.

Hello, I am looking for someone to write an article on System Requirements Specification. It needs to be at least 1750 words. In this regard, this paper has laid major emphasis on coming up with a software requirements specification document for the development and procurement of the Product Management System via an account of Pocket Doctor Incorporation.

Technological advancement has always been a fundamental aspect of promoting the day-to-day operations of most businesses. This is driven by capturing and putting together a well-organized set of system requirements, which act as the building block to ensuring that, a user satisfying software is developed. In this regard, Pocket Doctor Incorporation (PDI) has always been at the forefront in ascertaining that the best technology is put in place to handle the daily operations of the company. To achieve preciseness in the company’s daily operations, PDI has been gunning for the procurement and development of a product management system. In essence, the main driving factor is to integrate the best technology and promote efficiency and effectiveness in the delivery of healthcare services. In this sense, the procurement of the product management system has been set aside as the best way forward in meeting the targeted goal of the healthcare center.

Pocket Doctor Incorporation was founded in 2011 with the main operational area laid on the provision of products for helping patients that suffer from cardiac and respiratory. This is through the use of an advanced Pebble E-paper watch, which monitors and reports the medical condition of a patient. In addition, the watch also delivers onscreen medical advisory services to different conditions that patients undergo.

It is hereby vital to note the adoption of a Product Management System (PMS) is aimed at promoting functional efficiency in the company’s current web-based retail and monitoring business. The PMS is basically aimed at tracking and monitoring vital signs in customers. In addition, it will play a very crucial role in streamlining the order fulfillment and returns process.