Need help with my writing homework on HR Planning/Staffing in Smith Radiator Company. Write a 1500 word paper answering;

Need help with my writing homework on HR Planning/Staffing in Smith Radiator Company. Write a 1500 word paper answering; The present research has identified that the major goal of the human resource planning is to get with the correct composition of workers with the right skills, competencies, and experience in the right job at the right expense for the company as stated by Mathis and John. The company is a growing entity and should consider hiring more employees to cater to the increase in output production. The function of human resource management in a business is taking part in the decision-making process by providing options and qualified opinion concerning staff morale, recruitment costs, level of skill of staff, availability of prospective workers in the job market and the training needs in a company. Smith Radiators Company should invest in training in order to develop a qualified workforce by incorporating skills and expertise in them leading to improved output. Training ensures that the worker is competent, satisfy the customer’s needs and that the employees work in synchronization with the mission of the company as suggested by Anthony, Kacmar & Pere. The company should make use of part-time workers to be able to regulate the number of workers in a company depending on the workload and helps to secure the jobs of full-time workers through an economic crisis such as recession or depression. Customer service should be the main area of emphasis during the training and this ensures a good relationship is established between the consumers and the company. Human Resource Information Systems is the system that enables a company that helps the management monitor the employees and collect all the necessary information concerning them according to Compton & Nankervis.