Compose a 1500 words assignment on the description of the company and product. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Compose a 1500 words assignment on the description of the company and product. Needs to be plagiarism free! BestJuice Limited was established to take on growth opportunities in the fresh fruit juice market. Though many people are venturing into the segment, those who are going to survive rivalry onslaught and tighter regulations must produce high-quality products, follow industry regulation to the latter, innovate saleable sales ideas and develop an appropriate way of communicating products to the customers. The fresh fruit juice segment is on the growth rate and promises higher returns to investors. Therefore, it is a segment worth venturing.

Fresh fruit industry is on the growing trend over the past decade because more people are becoming health conscious and are resorting to organic food products. Furthermore, since 2009, Halifax has been receiving the increasing number of tourists and more residents have increased their spending at the restaurants and other food establishments. As a result, the fresh fruit industry recorded the highest growth in revenues ever in 2009 as more people consumed fresh fruits juice regularly, in increased proportions and situations. To sum it all, the overall restaurant industry recorded highest growth revenues in 2009 and companies exhibited strong balance sheets. Every segment of fresh fruit juices grew significantly and it is estimated that fresh fruit juice segment will grow at the rate of 4% – 6% annually in the next decade (Jackson, 2008). Food Pyramid and other food experts in Canada recommends a daily intake of five to ten fruits and vegetables (Live strong, n.d). This number can easily be reached through fresh fruit juices in a simple and more enjoyable way.

The market for fresh fruit juice is large and continues to grow each day. It has been established through research that 2 per cent of the three hundred thousand urban Halifax populations prefer fresh fruit juices. Halifax is 5490.18 Km2 with a population of about 400,000 residents. The urban population is about 300,000 residents and the median earning is $54, 129 (CIA 2010).&nbsp.&nbsp.