Assignment #1: A series of plots need to be redone, after the data have been properly sorted from a messy master list. New tables can be done as EXCEL tables and/or other formats. After that, you can

Assignment #1: A series of plots need to be redone, after the data have been properly sorted from a messy master list. New tables can be done as EXCEL tables and/or other formats. After that, you can replot the data.

These plots should mimic those that are locked in the word document.

The radiocarbon data (on a very messy file), and a PDF file with the figures that need to be reproduced from scratch.

For the plots referring concentrations, my professor will need to find the runlog book with the masses associated to each target that was produced. She will pass that to me as soon as I have each reference material regrouped, and the fraction modern data re-plotted. But here is not important.

Try to organize the data in some clear form, and reproduce the panels a,b,c & d from figures 2 and 4 first.

It is possible that some data in the messy dataset does not appear in some of these plots if some of the results were disregard as outlier. Overall, your new plots in excel or using other graphic software should match with those of the PDF example.