Portion 1- Due Today by 9PM Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: What are the product design philosophies behind industrial design and design for manufacture and assembly? Which one do

Portion 1- Due Today by 9PM

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • What are the product design philosophies behind industrial design and design for manufacture and assembly? Which one do you think is more important in customer-focused product development?
  • Provide an example of customer focused product development in your organization or an organization you have researched
  • Provide an example of a successful or unsuccessful introduction of a new product and an evaluation of its specific development process.

Portion 2 ( Due Tomorrow)

Reply to 2 classmates.

**Classmate Responses Attached***

Word Counts:

175- reply to post

125 Per reply (2 replies) = 250