Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on children’s health and wellbeing outdoor play Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work!

Hi, I am looking for someone to write an article on children’s health and wellbeing outdoor play Paper must be at least 2000 words. Please, no plagiarized work! Kids and children are distinctive in several ways. They have great potential to understand things, but they are in need of great supervision and attention from their teachers or parents. The first three years of the time of toddlers has been considered as the most critical period for learning things because brain development is so rapid during this short span of time. During the period of the brain, development kids are needed more attention and supervision. Kids are normally busy with different types of play activities that progress as they grow and have more practice conversing with adults and older children. Outdoor play is very significant for toddlers for stimulating cognitive and social-emotional development. Outdoor play is included in an early childhood program at school because of two fundamental reasons. The first reasons are that children can learn different skills through outdoor play such as exploring, risk-taking, fine and gross motor development, and the absorption of a vast amount of basic information. The second reason is that the excess use of TV and computer, academic standards, and educational accountability are taking time away from the play.

Factors that influence children’s physical and emotional health and well being: Parents, teachers, and peer groups are the prime factors in fostering social development among children. Parents have a significant role in the social development of the child. Generally, a child expects an affectionate and friendly interaction from their parents. It is a very necessitating factor that parents have to spend time with their children to know their problems. Parents have to give primary priority to understand a child’s feelings, desires, and needs and appreciate the child’s&nbsp.achievement with parental pride. Parental nurturance is very important for social development for children that motivates children to live up to parental expectations and avoid hurting their loved parents. Parents are considered as the first teachers of the child and they have to set behavioral standards for the children’s mind such as to facilitate compliance, discipline, and courtesy. Parents try to avoid the harsher forms of punishment even if their children have done any wrong.&nbsp.