Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Embedding Sustainability Issues into Design and Business Contexts.

Complete 7 pages APA formatted article: Embedding Sustainability Issues into Design and Business Contexts.

Numerous business communities are changing the way they operate. They have realized that working sustainably or going green can actually cause increased profits. Usually, most companies are motivated to go green when they are operating under the bottom line scenario. However, soaring stock prices are one example of what sustainability can do to an organization. Additionally, a company that chooses to go green is likely to portray a positive image to their clients, their suppliers, or even to their investors. Consequently, this creates a scenario in which more parties are encouraged to work with that particular company. (Lubar, 2006)

It should also be noted that corporate citizenship is an instrumental factor in determining why an organization would choose to be sustainable or to go green. It is the responsibility of that particular company to ensure that they affect their community positively and that their activities do not undermine the community’s ability to meet the needs of their future generations. Sustainability of any company can embrace any of the following aspects

Companies must embrace sustainability in order to remain on top of government regulations that would otherwise require them to depict sustainability concerns. (Brown, 2001) Consequently, there should be sustainability at all times in any given company in order to demonstrate its business commitment to the concept.

The purpose of this project is to design mechanisms that would enable organizations to use Information Technology in order to boost their sustainability ratings. Since IT is becoming a useful tool in everyday life, then it would be interesting to know how this can be applied to an organization.

The company chosen for the implementation of this program is Unilever.